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deano554 last won the day on July 25 2021

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  1. The footprint will be will be larger for the King Claw, will King Claw go where the Claw is or Kickback Cove!
  2. my guess this part of the ride will be in the dark or low lighting, and you will be moving fast
  3. Its only 12 years old Why remove now, should have removed during winter maintenance
  4. I bet Dreamworld has something up their sleeve, Dreamworld likes to drip feed us the big master plan. I would not be surprised if we get more announcements next year.
  5. if only Dreamworld could finish the construction the same day they start construction, then we would not see unfinished construction
  6. The DreamWorks Experience officially opened on 31 March 2012. Is it correct Dreamworld did a 10 licence agreement with DreamWorks that expires in 2022? May be DreamWorks licence is not being renewed
  7. Returning to central station, the diesel tank looks SO out of place.
  8. Some of Disneyland trains run on diesel.
  9. was it a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree?
  10. I bet Dreamworld, will have the carpark and entry working by the next event. If DW still have the same entry problems on the next event shame on DW.
  11. Any new updates photos to uploaded on here please For us who are out of state
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