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gumb00t last won the day on April 22 2021

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About gumb00t

  • Birthday 14/04/1983

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    Gold coast

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  1. Can confirm rgb, it was yellow on the weekend
  2. You guys are funny. A couple years ago everyone here was sooking and crying that DW don't do enough to keep up. Now there's all this work in progress and there's nothing but complaining still. Is there any actual adults here?
  3. I think you'll find that it's primer. Primer is grey.
  4. @themagicianhey mate, any chance you've been in to see any progress on the Wizard area?
  5. I can't imagine Dreamworld taking advice from an internet forum, come on now. Has anyone thought maybe it just wasn't finished yet? 🤪 I can't imagine Dreamworld taking advice from an internet forum, come on now. Has anyone thought maybe it just wasn't finished yet? 🤪
  6. Nah it's normal, I like to add some decorations on weekends
  7. Can confirm, white paint creeping up the pole from the bottom.
  8. Is the new W in tower supposed to look that way or part of new theming or something? (Just for clarity I’m referring to the strange font design)
  9. It’s sorta trending that way. “Sorry kids, pools are too deep and dangerous - here’s a water pistol” 😂
  10. So I’ve not witnessed it myself but I’ve been told by my children that the wave pool has been “filled in” at the deep end. I find it hard to believe without being in the pool myself but it would make sense with those pics posted.
  11. I Like the videos, for some people who have no idea how a coaster is built they're perfect. Yeh the videos aren't trophy winners but it's good to see Dreamworld putting effort in.
  12. It has crossed my mind that it looks very messy at the front with the new taipan and a fading buzzsaw. But seriously, losing another ride... There's gonna be nothing left lol
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