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About Jessicajealousy

  • Birthday 14/04/1993

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    Melbourne, Australia

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    Bermuda Triangle, Seaworld
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  1. I don't post/comment loads here - but my two cents as a marketer (currently a Marketing Coordinator). I follow Dreamworld on IG and I have been LOVING their posts. Sure, it's a little cringe. But it's also fun and engaging, and it's making me laugh. And the point of social media marketing is to boost engagement and brand awareness. When I saw these posts, I immediately showed my husband! Far too many businesses these days are having very corporate looking social media profiles (especially IG) and that was never the point of these types of socials - I really enjoy seeing more businesses step out of the corporate box and have more fun, engaging content!
  2. It's giving orphan rocker vibes in terms of it's construction/layout. I've never been to threadbo, but looks exciting!
  3. Could you explain more? What did he do at Movieworld? This is the first I've heard about him!
  4. Yeah, you make a good point. I didn't pay much attention to the date but you're right, it is a year after the TRR accident. It's interesting to hear they let staff ride, the last thing I heard it was only the crash dummies.
  5. Sorry if I upset you - I didn't realise who he was, just figured he was someone who worked on the ride!
  6. Hi All, Saw this pop up on my feed - I saw it on the page "Lost Amusement Parks of Australia" but was originally posted by "AUSNZ Coaster Mates". Interesting to hear that it was operational in 2017, but as suspected the theming wasn't up to code.
  7. I was just about to comment on this post and let @New display name know to check out BSF! Jake is amazing - been following him since he started his abandoned series. I love going back to his old videos and listening to how awkward he sounded talking - and how professional he sounds now! I'm with you there - never seen Closed For Storm, haven't figured out a way to watch it yet! I even looked into *cough-torrents-cough* but to no luck. Which sucks, because I would love to support him by watching and recommending what I am sure is an incredible film, but I can't. @New display name As well as Bright Sun Films, I would also recommend checking out The Proper People. I also love Adam The Woo - he is mostly a Disney vlogger, but in his past he has visited a whole host of lesser known theme parks https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL047A057E91EFDA70 I would also recommend the below. Quite a few of them focus on abandoned Disney attractions, some focus on international parks as well (especially Expedition Theme Park, who has covered Wonderland, and some old attractions from Movie World). https://www.youtube.com/@YesterworldEntertainment https://www.youtube.com/@ParkRideHistory https://www.youtube.com/@ThemeParkHistory https://www.youtube.com/@ExpeditionThemePark I would love to chat all things abandoned theme parks, or abandoned/closed attractions, so please feel free to reach out!
  8. I am super interested in abandoned theme parks! I've never visited one myself (if anyone knows of any in Victoria, hit me up) - but my favourites to learn about are Six Flags New Orleans, Nara Dreamland, and River Country. I especially like if there is no real story as to why it closed, and even more so if it was just left there. River Country is a great example - Disney said "this park is getting too full, lets build two more bigger ones", and then in the same breath "ah, well no one is coming to River Country anymore, just leave it there" - and they did! I am devastated it's gone now and I'll never get to see it in all its abandoned glory. Six Flags is wonderful because its closed because of a natural disaster, but Six Flags said "it's too hard" when it came to rebuilding it - and almost 20 years later, it's still there and no one can decide what to do. Nara Dreamland was such a beautiful looking abandoned park. A Disney park with a touch of home made charm Also sad it's gone now - it seemed to have been highly respected by urban explorers, and was in relatively good condition all things considered.
  9. That's fair enough! It can be hard to find time to game, especially to dedicate the time to a story-based single player game. I haven't spent loads of time in it (maybe around 5-6 hours since it came out on Tuesday), and I must say, so far it's everything you would want in a wizarding world game. Incredibly immersive, huge map, lots of secrets. Brilliant game!
  10. Any other HP fans on here excited for Hogwarts Legacy? Please - no massive spoilers. But, please feel free to chat about the general story, characters, what you're looking forward too, etc. Would just like to chat with fellow HP friends
  11. Hahahahaha this made me laugh! We also asked our friends to take us to Walmart on our last (which they thought was hilarious). We went to a "superstore" version, which felt like a cross between costco and big w I NEEDED to take home lucky charms and nerds gummy clusters *drools* It does. I use to work in Melbourne CBD and felt homelessness was a problem there, but LA felt like than x10 - made me grateful for the country that I live in.
  12. Hey Whombex! Thanks for the questions 1. Pretty good - lots of guests again congratulating us on first visit/honeymoon. And the interaction of a guest giving me a purse was beautiful. I did find the amount of guest on ECV's (the electric scooter vehicles) really surprised me - they were just everywhere. That and the amount of prams/strollers I found detracted a little from the magic - moreso at Disney than Universal. But, it's a part of life and so I just learned to look past it. Seeing people dressing up in robes at Universal for HP world was beautiful though, that really added to the atmosphere! 2. We did! We enjoyed breakfast of chocolate croissants (and average coffee) at Jolly Holiday for two mornings - lovely service and hardly any wait. We also ate at Flo's Diner in DVC which is quick service. We did mobile order with Flo's which was quick but no cast member interaction. I definitely preferred table service - much more attentive, chatted with us - just a nicer experience all round. 3. We did! My husband's screen name for lots of things is GeneralHSolo and so Han Solo is his favourite character - so to see a full size millenium falcon sitting there, and then being able to go in was just unbelievable! We only had the chance to ride it once - we both got engineers. We just ran out of time to do it again and try and be pilots, but maybe on our next trip! 4. YES! Always Bright Suns which was lovely, and when I asked how much extra kyber crystals were (as my husband did Savi's workshop and made his own lightsaber) I was told "18 credits" which I loved! It was just that attention to detail that made galaxy's edge that little bit more special 5. No we didn't - we have just finished watching Andor and we hadn't seen it then (we are very behind :D) - we will have to try that next time! 6. I think the homelessness problem really took me by surprise - once you leave the Disney bubble, the real world hits you and it was sad to experience the way many people live. While homelessness is a problem even in Australia - I think that because making tents/camps on the footpaths is legal in LA, the problem really kind of smacked you in the face and was more noticeable. But, I also enjoyed how friendly people in LA were - the first place we ate was In and Out Burger, and the staff there were so friendly, and upbeat and excited, it was a great experience! Even when I went to a CVS, the staff were very helpful. CVS was an experience - very different to an Aussie chemist!
  13. Oh, that's good. I went to Movieworld and Seaworld in July and found lots of staff (particularly at Seaworld) quite inattentive and not super chatty. But maybe I just went on a bad day
  14. Thank you! I think I would have spent more time planning our days - not down to the minute, but other than seeing what we could get with Genie+ and the odd dining reservation, we didn't really have a plan. We also got tired and sore and didn't take many breaks, which means we often got burnt out, and as a result missed out on things. I really wanted to see the Enchanted Tiki Room, but missed out because we ran out of time. The biggest surprise was just how LOVELY the cast members were. It took us by surprise! When comparing to the Gold Coast parks, I often feel like the staff there consider it "just a job" and don't enjoy working there. The cast members at Disney (and somewhat at Universal) just seemed to love and enjoy every minute of working there, and it really made our trip even more enjoyable. We sadly missed Fantasmic - we had planned to see it on our last night - the night I wasn't well and I was just too tired, and I was desperate to ride Peter Pan and see the Lincoln animatronic before we left, so they took priority. We are hoping to get to Florida next year, so hopefully get to see Fantasmic there.
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