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JaggedJanine last won the day on July 15 2018

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About JaggedJanine

  • Birthday 24/12/1991

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    Gold Coast

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  1. As someone that has been spending a lot of time at the park during FN since 2015, last night was not extremely busy at all. The maze wait times were lower than usual. Never had to wait to get past people or try dodge people. It was an easy event to navigate. There have definitely been busier nights in past events. Hell, White Christmas on their quietest night was busier than last night.
  2. Usually the event is capped anywhere between 5500-8000. I know it has been 8000 during previous years. I've previously worked across both MW and WnW and during the summer of 2015-2016 we had a day at WnW with over 16,000 and were still happy to let more in. They have said before that they don't have a cap for day trade and wouldn't stop a paying customer from going into the park. Unlike Raging Waters(when it was WnW Sydney) which used to stop letting customers in after they got to a certain capacity. Unsure if this is still the case.
  3. I completely agree with this. Considering the price of the pass in 2019($99), I was expecting an increase as i always thought that it was under priced. I was happy to pay $250-$300ish but $499 is a bit of a laugh. I know of maybe 3 people that might buy this compared to how many i know purchased it back in 2019. I'd be really interested in seeing how many of these they actually manage to sell at the 400% increase. They usually only have maybe 2 dates on standby if needed.
  4. Anyone have ideas on what they would like the 2 new mazes this year to be?
  5. It depends if those Cast Members are still with the park. I think there may only be one regular there at the moment that was seen often. Ive heard a few call it 'playing pretend' or 'playing dressing up' for a living. Makes me giggle.
  6. What are the games everyone is playing at the moment? I'm playing a lot of Dead By Daylight and Fortnite(I know. A bit unfortunate). I'm still to finish The Evil Within 2 and The Last Of Us 2. Can't play them with kids in the house. I've played a bit of CounterStrike but im really not good at it. Like at all. I also enjoy a game of Civ 6.
  7. Green fog? They show smoke/mist puffing(for a lack of a better word) into the centre of the giant ring. Which it does. You can hear it, you just can't see it.
  8. As it currently stands, you do not get park entry for the day. So extras like backwards passes and Fast Video are redundant. I mean with the change of the time of day the climb takes place, most would probably be bought in park if they started properly advertising it to their day guests. Which means they have already paid for entry to the park anyway. You would end up needing to have 3 different prices/packages. -One just for the climb by itself. For those that do not wish to have entry to the park at all.(Which is the price as it is now) -One for people that require entry to the park as well as the climb. This one could also include extras that you have mentioned. E.g Backwards ride, fast video, sipper cup, bla bla bla bla bla. -And one for guests with annual passes or pre-purchased tickets that wish to have the same extras (such as the backwards ride and fast video, whatever) but do not need the entry.
  9. The event isn't free. 😉 They just have free tickets to an event that one would normally have to pay to get into. There's a difference. One has to be interested in going to an event to even bother using their free tickets. E.g. If I had free tickets to go see U2, i wouldn't. Because I have no interest in them. I don't see why someone would waste their time at an event they don't like or want to be at just because the tickets they have a free. But also, basing an event on how someone got in or why someone is there is a bit stupid. It's one persons opinion. E.g. If i did manage to go to see U2 with free tickets and would never pay for them, doesn't mean the event is shit.
  10. There is a show under the big screen at 7pm and 8:45pm The band plays a few sets during the night. The closer is the usual. A 'DJ' and the dancing girls. They added a Hype man this year as well.
  11. It's not always a case of 'wouldn't' pay, sometimes its a case of 'can't' pay. Don't have the money to spare but would still like to go and enjoy the event.
  12. That was already there as part of existing theming.
  13. I have photos of me on this. It was around 1999 I believe. I would have been around 7yrs old.
  14. Haha. Yeah, the term 'sexual fantasies' has been related to HOK.
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