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ClassyDaedra last won the day on March 24 2021

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    Six flags New Orleans
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    Warning points

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  1. I feel this thread has been made to out us fat fellas out there.
  2. Conjuring was actually a big let down. Not enough going on. Fdtd was strange yet kinda satisfying. Not the best fn this year to be honest. Though we all know the first night usually ends up being the worst night
  3. PSA. FN season tickets are now available through 133 fun. Cost is $80 plus the usual booking fee. Remove if already posted
  4. I'd say 4/10 intensity. Obviously it depends on you. I had to get off after 4 rotations in a row. Though the heat from the retractable floor helped with that.
  5. If said enemy was in front of me and I knew in advance. I'd surely drink a litre of milk before I jump on. Depends what they did haha
  6. So I was one of the lucky ones who managed to get on DD. For something that looks simple it's actually a really fun ride. Seats are comfy and the harness doesn't feel tight even when the attendants forced it down. Only trouble is that it got real hot after sitting there for 10-20 minutes so it's not a ride you want to break on you unless they get a decent shade going. Plus I can confirm you can easily kick the person in front. Had my friend start a kicking war as we were hanging upside-down.
  7. Doubt they'll open it again. Too much work for them to do. They'll have to fix the 2 briefing rooms, get the guns back and get them to working order. Would love it if they actually did bring back laser. Could use a good shoot.
  8. There are plenty of golf courses around the GC and surrounding areas. I live in Beenleigh and there's 2 here alone. Weird move in my opinion
  9. Have you guys considered a Halloween style event on the scale of fright nights? Movie world has been unchallenged for so long. Would be awesome to see what you guys could come up with.
  10. Legit made an account to ask 3 questions on this. 1. What was the reason behind closing laser tag. It is was my main reason for going and now I've just have flow and the same old rides I've been riding for 10 years (ToT ftw) any chance of seeing her back in action? 2. The flowrider used to have music that was seperate from the park tunes. You used to be able to know who's operating the ride just by what playlist was playing. It really set the mood for the place and made it a great place to chill then carve up the wave. Any chance of getting separate music back. What are the chances of having "membership" style add on for flow aswell. MSAC in Melbourne have a great system to get people on the flow. Like members only sessions one free flow a day and discounts during winter. I'm sure it works brilliantly for those guys so why not give it a go here. Cheers
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