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  1. Steppin' on my toes there :D, just joking! Sure is better, especially better than 720p/900p (Xbox One games' frequent res).
  2. I'm sorry, a bit tired, didn't see that you wrote monitor :). Well you'll be able to use it but won't see any benefits past 2K resolutions as that is your monitor's maximum unfortunately
  3. What is your TV model?
  4. @reanimated35 I know about the RAM and I was actually planing an upgrade, another 8 GB now I have a 2x4 GB 2133 Corsair kit - (this is the cheapest one I found, so I can pair them up without issues http://www.shoppingexpress.com.au/buy/corsair-8gb-vengeance-pro-2133mhz-ddr3-2x4gb/CMY8GX3M2A2133C11). About the graphics card, I think I'll wait till the next year and AMD vega, so the prices of NVidia GTX10X0 level up nicely. Edit: I do hope it won't be buggy @Theme Park Ninja Have you seen this one? It is hilarious
  5. @reanimated35 Actually no I aimed for a better, a bit future proof CPU/MB/PSU combo, but saved money on other components. CPU is Core i5 4670K and the board is ASUS Z97C. With Noctua NH-D14 it runs a stable 4.5GHz 24/7. The money was mostly saved on ssd (120GB), ram (8GB, though it is dirty cheap these days), case, but mostly on GPU, I got a R9 270. I mean, the card is more than enough for MOBA and an occasional drive in GTA IV (you read it well, I like Niko ).
  6. Though it' been announced a bit earlier, my personal favorite is Mass Effect Andromeda. I simply adore Bioware's storytelling and (KotOR aside) ME games have one of the best plots I've had the pleasure to experience. Even with its somewhat unfortunate ending.
  7. Hey, thank you for the welcome @Theme Park Ninja I have a custom built PC. Intel i5/Radeon R9 270/8Gigs of ram. The rest is just standard. No console here, waiting for the PSNeo
  8. Well, I figure if I have to go below 1080p, my monitors native res, I'd rather swap my GPU than play the game under those circumpstances.
  9. I usually play MOBA games, which can be seen from my profile image :), but I got so hyped when I saw this battle field trailer :D. What do you think will I be able to run it past 30 fps on my radeon R9?
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