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Aw hype

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Everything posted by Aw hype

  1. I agree @AlexB. I was just speculating what could possibly happen if it was 8 minutes long. I doubt that @Theme Park Ninjas information was credible coming from a lower ranked employee. We probably would know more about the roller coaster then some employees. Coming to think about it, the average speed should be high considering its in a villain themed area, and it would be a bad fit with doomsday destroyer just to add a kiddie style coaster. To further back my statement, reliable source rcdb has listed the ride as extreme, and as soon as any things announced, they're on to it.
  2. It could take up to 8 minutes if a roller coaster/dark ride combo is made (like wonder mountains guardian at Canada's wonderland but more intense) and the new sound stage could probably be used for the dark ride portion. Mw would have to be running lots of trains unlike on superman and have high capacity trains. It could possibly be themed to suicide squad and who knows what "world class attraction" is gonna be built in time for the commonwealth games.
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