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  1. You know what? I've had it with the delusional denialists who think they speak for the general public when it comes to attitude towards Dreamworld. You are theme park enthusiasts, a niche community and a very small one. Most people go to a theme park once a year at the most. You can bet that that once a year trip will be spent elsewhere in the near future judging by the comments on the Daily Mail article today. Notice the upvotes/downvotes ratio - quite stark to the ones dished out here. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4086396/Dreamworld-s-summer-sadness-four-people-died-ride-tragedy-Gold-Coast-theme-park.html#reader-comments Once again, i'm not trolling, merely publishing the inconvenient truth on a board of people who don't wish to hear such stuff due to the bubbles they live in.
  2. New article: Inside Dreamworld's summer of sadness. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4086396/Dreamworld-s-summer-sadness-four-people-died-ride-tragedy-Gold-Coast-theme-park.html note this is a major publication and not owned by Murdoch.
  3. Looks like I need to do a car park trip and get my own pics and analysis!
  4. There's a difference between theme park enthusiasts and blind denialists. I've presented nothing but facts and I have been right as per the real news article today. If anyone's trolling it's those trolling me.
  5. Actually DWs expenses are only likely to increase. Know anything about insurance?
  6. Incorrect I said a projection which I've independently researched. Park is down almost two thirds in attendance. Monthly revenue last financial year was $9 million and $3 million in net profit. Divide that by 3 and you currently have $3 million in revenue and a $3 million loss.
  7. Anyway...back on topic. I've done a projection that they are currently losing 3 million a month. Add that to the 10 million they lost in the 6 weeks they were closed and you have a theme park in serious trouble. Could be bust and closed within 18 months.
  8. Rides are walk ons when they should have massive queues as this is the busiest time of the year for them. I wonder how much they're losing daily...
  9. Crowd reports for yesterday please and today obviously a bit later.
  10. omgosh that's terrible poor DW. Hope it doesn't go broke but if it doesn't pick it up it's heading to brokesville fast.
  11. Flash looks so cool is there any chance we could get a clone with this ride?
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