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Everything posted by Naazon

  1. https://www.seek.com.au/digital-graphic-design-jobs off you go.
  2. potentially because VRTP is happy with the locals One Pass customer count, they don't need to offer a discount.
  3. Look, its shit. but it always has been shit even as "3D".
  4. it was a shit joke that added nothing to this thread.
  5. Naazon

    Planet Coaster 2

    Reminds me of the Peter Warrens bridge more than the real one, but good effort.
  6. Sunday 22nd could be added too, but I personally would hold off unless demand was high enough due to higher staffing costs.
  7. Two of the poles. There is another on the pole in front of the van in the 2nd photo. I suspect there would be even more on site.
  8. Does it genuinely matter? Does this have a material difference in your life?
  9. I think that's short sighted view of potentially complex contractual agreements that no doubt have penalties for missing timeframes.
  10. Why are we assuming that DW is paying extra for night works? Isn't JR build contracted out? Wouldn't the company who picked up the job be paying extra to meet the deadline they promised DW, not the other way around?
  11. A source close to me said 2 minutes is plenty of time.
  12. You probably can't fine recent info in it since it was demolished.
  13. I saw 4 guys in Vekoma branded high vis gear wearing full harnesses walking towards Jungle Rush late this afternoon. I assume from their gear they were going to look at the turn table.
  14. WWW doesn't open until 10.30. Generally they don't update until the park is open. Temple is working but was only running for staff? Or something. Triple is closed and won't open for a while.
  15. that 10m is 20% though. If I was 20% shorter I would be my childs height.
  16. Thats way too much itching for my comfort levels.
  17. Does that mean they can start testing now?
  18. If they sell Dreamworld its likely they won't look to buy anything else and are wanting to wrap up the Coast business.
  19. Ideally they can get that in the ground sooner than later. Spring does winders for plants.
  20. Flying Greg to IAAPA should happen every year anyway... The head of a theme park should be attending the industry summit each year.
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