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Everything posted by Naazon

  1. It will probably end with a simple lap bar with a release catch outside the log similar to WWF.
  2. Why not the obvious then. Marvel. Obviously expensive / hard licence to get but there is no Disney park in Australia which helps and offers good returns with large amount of rides / potential. Edit: Plus retheme of BS and GD would be pretty easy to fit into that universe.
  3. Sorry, worded badly. Not themed to the Mummy but an indoor coaster in that style (slow theme part followed by launch in dark room). Theme would be to literally anything else. If kept to Gold Rush then would be some sort of new mine cart, If themed to a new area it opens a world of possibilities. Edit: I had USJ earlier I meant USS, apparently its the same as USF but with a few theme updates, which is irrelevant as I'm suggesting a similar ride with different theme.
  4. Massively wishful thinking and possibly a bit of hate here but I would like to see Eureka Mountain Mine Ride also removed and to install a dark ride something similar to The Mummy at USS (launch indoor) and an inverted outdoor coaster, nothing 'ground breaking' as such but a relatively simple full circuit ride, hopefully able to sustain 2 trains. Other features would be a family flat ride. RHLR would be good if it could stay as the water really breaks the area up too. I can't decide if the memorial should be inside the park in the Gold Rush area or if it should be outside the park or even both.
  5. Eejanaika (Fuji Q) Takabisha (Fuji Q) The Flying Dinosaur (Universal Studios Japan) Revenge of the Mummy (Universal Studios Singapore) Dodonpa (Fuji Q) Space Fantasy (Universal Studios Japan) Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey (Universal Studios Japan) Battlestar Galactica: Cylon (USS) Raging Spirits (USJ) Battlestar Galactica: Human (USS) Also longtime lurker, first post here. Hi!
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