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Everything posted by Naazon

  1. Hey @FireBall85 Just an update, nothing in the last 2 hours. Have a good day.
  2. Its likely, and I'm pretty sure already been discussed the issues are with the building its self and not the ride. Things like fire escapes, emergency lighting and whatever else is required in a building. I understand people joke at Dreamworld not having the building right, but this happens quite a lot. Suncorp Stadium had late changes made to it, as there were not the required number of toilets (not facilities, actual toilets). From memory the Northern Busway didn't have the right fire fighting equipment (unsure if hydrant points or sprinklers) so this isn't just DW being shitty, its an issue all over QLD due to tight regulations that apparently a lot of construction/design companies fail at.
  3. As much as this forum discusses the negative things Dreamworld is doing, every thread, people will also discuss ways Dreamworld could improve what they are doing, ranging from realistic to wishful thinking to "never going to happen, but imagine if". This forum isn't Anti-Dreamworld, its just against running a park into the ground.
  4. Hes just throwing some shade at Dreamworld
  5. the First Aid and the whole Sky Voyager building reminds me of Planet Coaster a little..
  6. Why heavily promote something you haven't completed and don't have approval for?
  7. I don't think Aussie World ever announced an opening date and didn't advertise, which I think is the big difference.
  8. No but its how business works. Long Term Agreements, bulk purchase discounts ect.
  9. I disagree. Possibly just below par to MW, but not head to head. $18M could give them a solid start and a possible 5-10 year deal with a manufacturer to build a number of rides at their park. "We will spend XX amount over XX years if you give us XX discount".
  10. Is the castle asbestos? I don't think it is but just checking?
  11. I think @MickeyD was referring to parts within the ride, not the whole ride its self.
  12. Australia Zoo just did that over the end of the Summer holidays, although a much larger area and it was more educational focused but I think it was quite successful and engaging for kids.
  13. Cost v Benefit on the short it might lean towards the magic man, but a $30million coaster would bring long term benefits. All the need is a vision...
  14. The issue for me is that a show like this is good to soak up crowds while the rest of the park is busy, except from what I read on here, most rides at Dreamworld are walk-ons. A magic show, although it might be great, is not a crowd draw. People won't travel interstate to see a magic show. Hell I won't travel from Brisbane for a magic show. As stated over and over again, Dreamworld need something to draw a crowd through the door and shows just won't do that at an Amusement/Theme park. To me this is a waste of money they could be using elsewhere, like putting in new shaded areas around the Gold Rush area. Lots of space there to make shaded seating..
  15. Maybe they hope he will trick people into going to Dreamworld...
  16. Maybe thats the long term plan? Build a new Overflow, rebuild the main carpark as a low rise parking structure on the current overflow section and then they have room closer to the park and further away from houses and highways for the possible hotel / new rides? Still wishful thinking.
  17. Because the melbourne airport train line is expected to cost around the $10 billion mark according to ABC on 22/7/2018. A new busline would be a whole lot cheaper.
  18. 1) My previous post I made an assumption he had higher qualifications in engineering than what he actually has, my apologies. 2) Although I generally agree, I know someone who is a manager within an Airlines engineering department, and from discussions with him, the calls and decisions they make are all based off data they get from the actual engineers and the manufacturer. If he employs this tactic then it could work quite well.
  19. I wonder if the bay reduction means larger bays the the total area is reduced. How many bays does the main carpark have at the moment? Does this mean they want the new carpark gated with CCTV and 24 hour security lighting or lights turned off after use? Hours of operation surely would be until like 10pm or something?
  20. Gold Coast parks were in a bad spot too but had big car parks and council put on bus transfers. If the park is popular and demand is high enough I'm sure a route will be diverted or a new one build. Alternatively do what Australia Zoo does and run their own free shuttle. Rock up at the train station and call the number. They have signs at the train station advertising this.
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