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Ash last won the day on January 14

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  1. Surely MovieWorld get some sort of compensation for a terrible ride. Scrap that whole area and make it western theme
  2. To be honest I use Afterpay all the time, solely for the purpose of them storing nu digital receipts. I know a lot of places now are using a digital receipt system like jbhifi etc. but yes it’s quite handy for that
  3. Because out of all the parks, Dreamworld to me has invested more the last few years than any other parks imo. As I’ve stated before the overall quality of the park is amazing, the staff are amazing, the park is huge so your not feeling like your on a Japanese subway train like you do at Movieworld.
  4. Are we back to normal? No spam? But yes that’s the only downfall is the storage whilst loading/unloading
  5. Both my 5 year old daughter and 3 year old son were most scared in the temple switchtrack because it was dark and loud. The rest they loved. I think if they added some spotlights like red or green etc to brighten it up it should work. inside the que line they loved all the colours and set pieces.
  6. The slide tower concept needs to change imo, we need something like the old terror canyon weaving through the landscape. I know it’s limited as to what you can do, but even the new kaboom tower is average. Don’t they still have that decent plot of land near the Kamikaze? That’s prime realestate for a good themed slide
  7. Must of run into problems. Will be interesting too see if it opens for the September school holidays. Surely this would be the only attraction they are pumping money into
  8. Probably why Movieworld new precinct barricaded all there ques behind prison black fencing. But he’s sad to see.
  9. Doesn’t take long until idiots start to wreck stuff. Jungle Rush que line
  10. I mean to be honest the whole area is very generic, considering we have Atlantis at SeaWorld. Yes the emerald city facade is nice but it’s very slapped together. Massive bland green walls, open areas with a few cosmetics. They did say world class, we are far from that.
  11. I don’t think it’s the Motorcoaster being popular. When I was there a few days ago, the load times are horrible and to no fault of the staff, as we all know it’s the restraint systems. Plus only running one train doesn’t help.
  12. Used to love the twister! Double screamer, terror canyon, the memories!!
  13. Mississippi motors generally looking at 30-45 minute wait very popular. Jungle Rush roughly the same, if you get there for opening head straight there, we managed to get 2 rides on Jungle Rush back to back with no wait.
  14. We all know that if done correctly projection mapping can be amazing. Dreamworld has excelled over the last few years so you could trust them to do it correctly. Movieworld on the other hand…. Will wait and see what Scoobydoo looks like once reopened.
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