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Ash last won the day on February 2

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  1. We won’t be renewing. Family of 5, been too Movieworld twice, Dreamworld over 20 times. Until Movieworld can improve their ride ops, vastly improve the park and feel of the parks then we will continue to support Dreamworld over Village
  2. I mean it’s a pretty clean cut with an oxy, it could re welded, but yes this is looking very doubtful, in saying that most of the cuts seem to be in line per leg, but that could also be to suit the flatbed they will be departing on
  3. What do you mean? The OZ precinct is world class! They even have Batman scenery in the same section, I imagine he is trying to defeat the wicked witch
  4. And this is why free speech is amazing, he wanted to share something, he did, I watched and yeah is what it is. God evidence for future
  5. Correct jungle Rush have their gates open whilst other are collecting their belongings
  6. 5 minutes is quite good for that ride run by Movieworld operations 😂
  7. Gonna look good tonight for the pass holder event
  8. Main platform seems to be being removed, crane has it slung up with a boom lift on site
  9. Crane is on site this morning, main pendulum has been removed.
  10. This had nothing to do with Pico Play which I know you aren’t insisting. This was entirely down to budget
  11. After listening to the whole podcast and the previous Rivertown one where they mention Wizard of Oz precinct. I think both the Peco manager and all the park enthusiast agree with what happened at Movieworld. It’s hardly ever mentioned in both podcast despite being asked.
  12. Mad max dark ride, expand the whole old DC area into a western/Mad Max them. Move all DC statues to the DC area. Remove Justice league and put in a couple of flats themed to DC.
  13. My bottom line is, Rivertown looks like a finished land. Despite them adding more which is good but they should have been added before hand. The land is amazing, I do believe they focused in the end run on Jane’s restaurant. Oz looks bare, and as The Magician said, the socials from both parks are the opposite. Dreamworld are constantly posting videos etc, closures, updates. When was the last time we heard about an update on Scooby Doo, or the Dooms day removal?
  14. It’s a mouth figure with water coming out. Levi tagged the instagram video of it. I was there Monday and can confirm it was working as with the crystals that day
  15. Went of Superman a couple of days ago in a few years. It has gotten quite rough to say the least. Dispatch times with 2 trains was roughly 5 minutes. Still a great experience with the launch.
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