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Fultre last won the day on June 7 2017

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    Lift hill, Titan, SFOT
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  1. Possibly but I am a sucker for traditional B&M hyper designs with loads of hills/airtime, something along the lines of Goliath at La Ronde but at 200ft.
  2. Now if only Dreamworld could invest in a B&M Hyper... Australia NEEDS a B&M! I got seasons passes to both DW and MW, but I find myself spending most of the time at W'n'W during peak summer and MW every other time just riding the coasters during off hours. I only seem to go to Dreamworld a few times a year for that nostalgic fix up as tot, saw, moto and hot wheels don't really do it for me. MW to me is the coaster capitol of Australia especially now with DC Rivals. Hard to say at this stage but I believe Dreamworld is in for a rough few years...
  3. I love every aspect of the coaster (track design, colour scheme, train design, rear facing seats etc.) but the name just doesn't appeal with me...
  4. Some shots from today guys. Lots of activity around the site, many parts prepped and ready to go.
  5. Hahaha bad investment! Had no idea you get 3 day, guess you found that one out the hard way... Hahaha push I expect it in writing...
  6. "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!" Skeeta's got my number Ah ha! Though it might of been you... Good to see you've been putting that membership to good use and also keep those down votes UP (literally)!
  7. Retail can be tough I bet, doesn't mean you can't do other things if you put your mind to it. It's never too late to change a career. Agreed, time to clean this up. Clean up crew, isle 4.
  8. I won't even try to decode this one... Guess it's another day in the office. I honestly want to know which forums you and djrappa go to? I was referring to internet community of course... Really, you see this sort of behavior in your workplace...? So what exactly is your argument here, that lots of community's around have these issue, so it is ok if we have them here because why bother to set higher standards. Well, what do you know, he's is also browses 4chan... I didn't want to carry the argument I just wanted to bring a serious issue to the forefront, becuase I felt bad for some people involved. I am too, and I've never really had any issues with you, I just quoted one of your posts. And finally, some more words of wisdom from Skeeta...
  9. Initially I wasn't going to quote you at all, as your response was fairly neutral but you did touch on a very sensitive topic, accuracy. I was going to however quote the ridiculous posts that got removed but when I switched pages and refreshed they were gone. I only cut your quote short because I wan't to keep my post somewhat manageable size, my bad.
  10. Just to be clear I actually have no issues with the article itself, in fact I think it is a great that Parkz has given spotlight to the creator. Again, I also have no issues with people pointing out that something is incorrect it's the manner in which they do so. Finally, most of what I had to say is related to my entire experience here, not just this thread. And yet, here is Skeeta, class act, browsing through peoples profiles in search of material to put them down... I got two down votes, figured one of them was from djrappa judging by the tone. Now, both my down votes are gone, wonder who down voted me... Finally, take a look at Richard's post, you may learn something from it, like being constructive, reasonable and sincere.
  11. A community leader that misunderstands the case in point, screams at members (caps), thinks that world is "big and bad", that not everything should be "wonderful or positive" and is apparently a member or a leader of many bad communities... Well that's just great. Should I even bother.
  12. Prime example of what is wrong with this community... Instead of thanking members for their contribution such as the fantastic animation made they focus their energy on this BS, how inaccurate it is. Because hey, everyone here needs to be a bloody engineer or work in the amusement industry to post. Did you even read the thread, probably not because the Parkz clean up team has already removed any traces and mopped everything up. Yeah, exactly this. Take note. This guy is new, his view is not clouded by political/cultural goggles and he see's it for what it is. This is the other problem. Pointing out isn't the real issue, its the manner in which this is done, sometimes it manifests into personal attacks, down votes and blatantly bullying people. It is ridiculous. New people come in, get a taste of this community and never return. Only the few new people with thick skin remain. I have never been a part of a more nastier community that this. It's people like @themagician, @Theme Park Girl and others that keep me coming back. /end rant
  13. Coming together real nice, thanks for the pics people. Is it just me or is this shaping up to look like a rather extreme ride...?
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