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docoaster last won the day on June 27 2017

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About docoaster

  • Birthday 29/09/1993

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  1. No worries, I didn't understand it that way. Just wanted to confirm that the coaster will be a lot higher.
  2. @AlexB The rendering is right, since it was built after the plans from Mack. So you can be sure that there will be several meters added to what we see right now.
  3. Thanks! In this case the ride is handbuilt, thats true. With other projects I decide from case to case whether I use FVD (the inbuilt one) or not. Building by hand deliveres good smoothness when using the comb feature but costs a lot of time and patience. FVD built rides are always smoother but it's not always that easy to get exactly the shaping you want and it's even harder to change things after finishing the layout. I mainly do not have a plan of the whole thing I want to build. The most ideas are coming to my mind while building and I also change things very often till I'm completely happy with it. Sadly this again costs a lot of time what makes me finishing projects very rarely. I am not able to provide you more images/videos of the hypercoaster right now but I might be in the future. And the g-force comb will always just give a rough idea of the actual forces on the real ride.
  4. Thank you for giving me the chance to talk about the cooperation with VRTP! I really enjoyed creating the simulation and I hope you all enjoyed watching the trailer. And sorry for not giving you any updates on my simulation, but you may now understand why I was not able to do so.
  5. Here is what my updated simulation looks like. The first two screenshots show the recent status of construction. The last three screenshots show how the track will match the supports already in place.
  6. Yes, the new supports show, that the twist will be way less high than i expected it to be.
  7. I used my NoLimits "park" to recreat the exact track and footings that are already in place so i can give you differently angled views on what we have so far. I also added a the parts of the layout that are now obvious from track and footings. In my opinion the dive turn around is set as the following element. As the previous element still a vertical loop would fit perfectly with the foundations (not in the screenshots yet).
  8. Someone told me about this competition. So here is my layout (it's the same as in my video, you might have watched):
  9. I colored the footers on the map to show in which way I matched them with the layout: yellow: final brake, station, lifthill + first drop, first airtime hill, loop entry blue: loop exit, overbanked turn, inclined dive pink: twisted airtime hill (or whatever you want to call it), zero g roll, overbanked turn red: another overbanked turn, corkscrew, 3 x airtime hill cyan: couldn't be matched Looking at some pictures of "Flash" at Leva Adventure helped a lot to figure how the footers may be used. Its easy to see that the distance of the footerpairs is related to the track hight. Of course it is not easy to tell how high the elements will be exactly but at this point I trusted my experience. This means that in the end there may be more or less airtime depending on the actual shape of the track. The hardest part was to figure out what kind of elements are located in the middle of the layout. It took me quite a while to realise that the looping support structure at Lewa matches perfectly with the position of the footers. I hope this explaines my assumption of a 90% correct layout. If you have any improvements please feel free to tell. I will also update the simulation when the construction prograss reveals more details.
  10. Hey everyone, @jack.c: thank you for sharing my video! This is my first posting here so i want to thank you all for the constant updates on the construction. Thanks to all these pictures (especially the aerial perspective) showing the foundations I was able to recreate the ride. I took a really close look on the position of the footers and tryed out many different variations of the layout to fit it in best. I'm quite sure that the simulation meets the actual layout at about 90% of the track very closely. There are only a very few footer positions left out after I assigned all the others in a proper manner. Anyway the video should give us a hint on what the ride may look and feel like - thats all about it. Greetings from Germany
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