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  1. I think because Pico Play are based in Nerang, banning people from there would explain the unfinished vibe of Oz.
  2. I think that a couple of smaller lower-capacity rides would work well if they kept the Villains theming. Something like a Zamperla Nebulaz and a RES Super Swing. Mild thrills, but also family friendly at the tween/teen level. It would introduce a couple of different ride/force experiences to break up the day.
  3. Best Food - Janes Rivertown Restaurant (Dreamworld) Best Guest Experience - Dreamworld Best Park operations - Dreamworld Best Coaster - Leviathan (Sea World) Best Family Coaster - Jungle Rush Best Flat Ride - Giant Drop Best Themed area - Sovereign Hill Best Show - Aura at Soverign Hill / Outback Spectacular Best Kids’ Area - Dreamland Best new attraction for 2024 - Jungle Rush Best Amusement Park - Dreamworld
  4. There's not really any story in there currently and not much to spoil. It's just inside a temple and the track pivots. The inside is still having theming (and likely effects) added. They had to get the ride open for xmas, so I'd say in a few weeks there will be more spoilers online when it's got everything in place. DW will probably also release a full video that includes the completed temple section.
  5. The coaster isn't finished. There is more theming to go up inside the temple, and more effects. They got it into a good enough state to open for the holidays, but I'm guessing they want an official POV to be the actual finished product. That's why we can see a POV of the exteriors but not interiors.
  6. This would be the ideal solution, but it's way too busy to start now and hire/train up staff. Maybe after the summer holdiays this is something DW can look into doing for March holidays though. It definitely adds extra expense, but it also improves the customer experience and the restaurant operations. The other option would be to have a DW app where people can make reservations and order before they arrive at the restaurant, so the kitchen knows what is coming. There's a lot of reasons I think DW should have an app to improve in-park experiences, but I get that the priority is to fix up the park first. Another solution (long term) is to open other themed restaurants to disperse the crowds a bit more across multiple venues. Maybe down the line we'll see a sit-down seafood restaurant on Ocean Parade, and Smokehouse Bar & Grill will get a proper sit down venue on the opposite end of the park when RHLR finally gets a replacement.
  7. Geez, for a ride that has always been a bit of an afterthought - even being shoved to the back of the park for the last few year - this looks incredible. It just shows what can be done with a little bit of creative vision. Once all that landscaping grows in, it's going to look even better than it does now - and it already looks amazing.
  8. It's going to be very very cold. You'll need to rug up to go outside at Lotte, and i recommend having some sort of face covering that isn't a scarf. https://adventure.lotteworld.com/eng/usage-guide/service/index.do That link will give you an update about what rides are open. If it is snowing heavily, some or all rides outside might be closed, but there is still an entire days worth of stuff to do just on the inside part, especially if you want to watch the Lunchtime and evening parades. The evening parade is definitely worth seeing, try to get a space on the far end (pirate ship end) for the best view of what happens on the castle. But the park is open until late anyway, so daylight hours don't really matter, but if it's cold, probably start the day outside if you can.
  9. Perhaps introducing 'Jane' (and friends) as characters for Rivertown would have been a better opportunity? Tarzan as a character is in the Public Domain, so they could have leaned into that without any licensing issues. There was also the opportunity to do a bit of a Lara Croft/Nathan Drake character - an adventurer/explorer that could tie into a Motocoaster re-theme, as well as character appearances in the area and restaurant. I think it's ok for K&B to visit Rivertown, but I agree that it would be great to see the area have it's own characters and story.
  10. This is the most reasonable price increase in theme park history. even with DW lacking some major rides after so many closures, it's still excellent value for a whole year - especially with a $50 food voucher. The actual purchase page where you select your tickets (after immediately clicking through from the tickets page shown above) does not mention afterpay pricing at all and ONLY has the full prices shown. DW aren't hiding anything, the total price is shown in full, and you can only see the afterpay prices at this point if you select afterpay at the checkout. Personally, I think it's great that DW are keeping the price rises to a minimum while investing $50M+ into the park. It shows that you can operate a profitable and sustainable theme park business without having to compromise on safety, maintenance or guest experience (like the previous DW management/current Village Management).
  11. There is a video camera mounted in the middle of the coaster on a tripod and everyone is wearing brand new, brightly coloured clothing with no brand names. They're shooting a commercial and promo photos.
  12. Here are some useful resources for anyone wanting to dig deeper: For those who want to spend $263 - AS 3533.1-2009 is the Australian Standard for amusement devices, Page 30 for info about containment and restraint. This is for design and manufacturing of amusement devices. https://www.intertekinform.com/en-au/standards/as-3533-1-2009-123064_saig_as_as_274721/ Worksafe Qld code of conduct (for operators, not manufacturers): https://www.worksafe.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0016/118501/amusement-devices-cop-2023.pdf Safework Aus guide for amusement devices (federal version of the above): https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/sites/default/files/2022-10/amusement-devices-general-guide_-_updated_september_2022_1.pdf
  13. And don't forget everyone's favourite attraction - Young Einstein Gravity Homestead.
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