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Jdude95 last won the day on August 23 2021

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  1. Thanks @Dom you got the 15th removed
  2. Small medium spends years bitching about park and suddenly doesn't get a press release Huge medium spends years talking about the park in various formats, bad and good, continues to get press releases. Maybe they just don't want to support the small folks who shit on them but are happy to support the mass media who also shit on them because their reach is in the millions
  3. In that case, I better be the first person you tell, hahah
  4. For membership holders they just extend the middle finger
  5. That left side angle of Scooby looks terrifying
  6. I have a bunch of things planned for when QLD reopens too. I've got some shopping to do and some people to see. It's a very big treat for my friends and I!
  7. Imagine the GCB headlines. Just 6 years on from the Thunder River Rapids tragedy Dreamworld is installing a pre-owned ride
  8. Big meaty meat slapping meat over control of a ball, it's all very similar to me
  9. Time to start teaching livestock to play football
  10. I don't see why things such as judging couldn't take place. Bring them in one at a time, judge them like a teenage girl judges your outfit, post the results for everyone to see, give awards to the winners without the usual spectacle.
  11. I do like how SW provided amazing visuals in the promo material of a fully themed/landscaped area when that was never the plan. At least they are finally accepting it's not happening and have redone the promo images
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