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Everything posted by Jdude95

  1. Oh, I see, you assume my allegiance lies with *my best friend ( @Slick we still doing that?) and that I hate Bikash solely because he threatened to sue friends of mine for calling him out. I just find it amusing that DW are happy to work with the government and not jump up and down about it on social media or any time there's a camera in their face. Whereas Village, specifically, their management, didn't give a fuck when this whole thing started, even going as far as attacking people in public forums for suggesting they should be taking it seriously. Only taking it seriously after the Government has already stepped in and closed the park. So no, it's not because of some "negative facebook comment" it's because of their whole approach to this entire pandemic and that they are so eager to re-open the parks because of that magic clause that allows them to sell those shares for a higher figure, again, not actually taking the publics health and safety seriously. When there was talks of restrictions being lifted, management weren't seen to be trying to work with the government to come up with a plan, instead just publicly attacking them for not allowing them to instantly resume as normal.
  2. The snarky comment comes from them trying to bully the government to allow them to open even if it's not safe, so they can meet the higher value sale conditions that's currently on the table.
  3. I wonder what image the park will use when it's sold off in a few months time. Will Clark even still be around?
  4. I'm waiting for them to hit their head on the bar and knock it back on the ground where they normally set it
  5. Nah man, 10 guys, a couple cartons, we'll get it done in a few hours
  6. You'd think after their history of having to retire rides that aren't supported anymore, they would make sure the manufacturer can support the ride for it's remaining lifespan
  7. Isn't Shockwave supposed to be a electrical storm surge also Tailspin themed to sea planes? Yeah, Ocean Parade isn't perfect but the theme is there
  8. They are the best duo. Unfortunately they aren't the best duo for running a successful theme park business
  9. It would probably gain a record for tallest, face first, free fall tower too
  10. I'm pretty sure that's the new wild mouse coaster that was being built. It was part of 7 new rides they announced a few years ago. I have friends who live in the development behind Aussie World and the locals definitely don't have complaints about noise or disturbances from the park. What I've heard is that the reason those 7 rides have been delayed is due to the massive change in regulations post TRRR plus Aussie World only being a smaller park and having the 7 attractions already ordered.
  11. You forgot the roundabouts. The most popular attraction in Canberra
  12. I doubt any Australian park would install another freefloating vessel ride. Especially not DW. Any new ride like that would need to be on a rail or secured so the movement is mostly controlled. Macks new tracked water ride is a fantastic and versatile system but it's still in the early stages and hasn't even been signed off in their own country yet. That would be one of the biggest contenders for a ride that is anything like a rapids raft ride. Mack have had a few inquiries but haven't been able to promise anything concrete yet. With the Covid delays, it's likely we wont see this ride system for a few years at least unfortunately.
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