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HussRainbow87 last won the day on December 24 2020

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  1. I’d love to know what your insider information is as to why the ride doesn’t attend Adelaide Show. But I can assure you, that there is no manufacturer issues, and it was dealt with legally. I think it’s time I bid farewell to this place. It’s too depressing. Thanks for the memories.
  2. Never said it was bad, just wish our parks would be a bit more ambitious. I was thrilled when the Vortex was purchased, only to be disappointed by the worlds worst ride cycle. The hate for travelling rides on this forum is next level.
  3. “The Beast isn’t good now?” I’ve worked with the machine for 8 years now and it’s been interesting to see its following and popularity gain over this time. I had nothing to do with the wording that is on the ride, you’d have to talk to KMG about the theming. I don’t know why things cannot be discussed without such a high level of defensiveness. Some of these responses come across as almost sulking. Probably why I visit this place once every few months to read the tantrums. Also nice photo of the ride at Adelaide…. Don’t miss going there. That’s for sure.
  4. Cheaper manufacturers? Please let us never forget the absolute turd they produced with Doomsday 😉
  5. Not necessarily seeing as the Booster Maxxx and Sky Flyer XXL stand at 55 metres respectively. Of course there are logistics around such purchases and plans. It just slightly seems like a missed opportunity, but it no doubt will be popular. At least Dreamworld are taking steps to evolve the park… the same can’t be said for down the road.
  6. You’re missing the point of the conversation. Was never saying they were trying to beat the status of a travelling ride, it’s moreso the fact that these parks have opportunities to build incredibly sized attractions, yet they opt for average… I mean Movieworld literally bought a suspended Kamikaze and look how that turned out.
  7. Haha it seemed rather popular at this years Gold Coast Show, but all good. No need to get upset 😊
  8. Moreso was in relation to this announcement at IAAPA. Not really groundbreaking. But ok Dreamworld. It’s 3 metres 😉 The Beast has a swing height of 45 metres. I’d say rather impressive for a travelling ride. There was no reason Dreamworld couldn’t have bought something bigger.
  9. So it’s about catering towards larger people instead of providing a premiere attraction that is something unique? The parks are literally soo embarrassing here with their flat rides. The fact that we have three travelling rides now that exceed the height of anything that’s in a park is insane.
  10. All this fanfare for a Pendulum ride that still doesn’t swing as high as The Beast…. They should have gone real big and went with Zamperla. Classic Dreamworld.
  11. Clearly you haven’t ridden a legit HUSS Top Spin…. The original travelling models in Germany and the Top Spin Fresh in France are some of the greatest machines ever built. Having ridden Talocan a few times and the travelling models, it’s safe to say that they’re outstanding rides. Fight me on it. I don’t care.
  12. They’re already spending the money, they could have gone for a Zierer at least. Best of the best when it comes to a Wave Swinger. Their custom theming on some of their park models is incredible.
  13. The Beast is at Fountain Gate until the end of February, then Moomba and then Sydney Royal Easter Show. Same with the Crazy Coaster.
  14. Yes. It’s the only coaster there. KMG XXL is The Beast….
  15. Ahh something I’m well versed in, working with log books and application processes. This info is spot on. Design reg, plant reg…
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