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Posts posted by HussRainbow87

  1. Aging Huss Rides....

    Isn't it funny to see though, that rides like the Ranger came here in 1988, and is STILL operating! That is a true testament to HUSS for creating such incredible machines. To see that many of their rides are over 30 years old and are still operating, some looking like they've just come out of the factory is a great thing to see! If LPS is to sell the 3 HUSS rides, i'd hope they'd go to travelling showmen who will look after them and give them the love they really need. Fingers crossed the Ranger at least stays in the country!

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, -nick.white.1543 said:

    So it will be installed permanently ?

    As far as I know yes.... Not sure if they'll make any modifications to make it look like more of a permanent attraction, but KMG Don't really do highly themed park attractions, so it's always going to look like a transportable model parked for an event or show.

    • Like 4
  3. 1 hour ago, djrappa said:

    Ummm well I have to say that’s Fkn disgraceful if this park is chucking in a portable carny ride. Is it bloody Luna Park?

    Thats embarrassing!!

    I’d say it’s more a move to see how an attraction of this type would go before investing the money and to be honest Sea World Does a pretty good job at being embarrassing. Hopefully in the coming years more money can be thrown into it and invest in some new rides. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, Wil_i_am_not said:

    Alright, I've done some sleuthing (based on Huss's comments haha) and I've discovered that the ride coming to Seaworld will most likely be 'Sky High' Star Flyer, manufactured by the Mardi Gras company out of the UK. It was owned by Michael Wallis Jnr and was sold to Australia sometime in July of this year. Unsure of who the Australian owner/operator is.

    Source: http://www.fun-fairs.co.uk/topic/90156-michael-walliss-startflyer-nfasl10/?tab=comments#comment-344337


    Haha nice. But wrong. 

    The ride isn’t from the UK

  5. On 19/10/2018 at 11:10 PM, Wil_i_am_not said:

    Yeah I would absolutely love to watch the Spirits of the Carnival docco, but I can't find it anywhere online. I even emailed the company responsible for making the movie, but I received no response. Looks like it has some great footage on same of the lesser-known rides at Luna Park. 

    If the Love Express from Luna Park is indeed the model that OCS Fun traveled around Sydney, who the hell manufactured the thing?! The closest thing I can compare it to would be a Sobema Superbob mixed with a Mack Music Express?

    I think thats the documentary I have on DVD that I bought from the park....

    Not sure who made the LE, it could have been a Sobema, but ANOTHER ride OCS ran into the ground, how that thing got on Moomba a couple of times was beyond me... I think the second time it didnt have the roof on... standard.

    • Like 1
  6. 9 minutes ago, Jobe said:

    Thanks for clarifying @HussRainbow87


    I would certainly love for a Huss Rainbow unit to reside at LPS......it was in the original plans for the 1995 incarnation you know........love that ride!! It would have been iconic looking out over the harbour to see a Huss Rainbow in full swing!! What a view it could have been!!

    Don't even get me started on having a HUSS Rainbow back running in Australia. We have TWO units here and neither are running, shame to say, OCS ran Wittingslow's once great model into the absolute ground!

    These days I have to travel to Paris just to ride one! (Even though its totally worth it riding and seeing the Eiffel Tower as you reach the top!)

    It always did interest me how Rainbow was in the original plans, but with the success it brought by being on the showgrounds and travelling, it was a far more successful decision to have the Rainbow travelling and the Ranger go into the park, especially when Wittingslow had a Fabbri Ranger travelling on the circuit also.

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  7. Quite the opposite actually, I guess I should have worded my reply a bit better, so I do apologise for that.

    MASSIVE props to LPS for keeping their HUSS rides running, the only other models running are the Pirate at Funfields, Enterprise at LPM, Wittingslow's travelling Pirate and Shot N Drop in Perth. It's a real shame to not see as many Huss rides around in Australia as there should and could be. But like I said, i love LPS for keeping the three former Wittingslow rides running to this day!

    In regards to the SBF model, I have heard from several people that the ride has had quite a few issues. Any ride is going to cost money and upkeep, but I think it was a bit of a shock for the park to have problems with a ride that was put in to replace a labour intensive machine that was costing more money as the years went on.

    With a bit of luck the HUSS rides will stay, and given some much needed love, especially the Break Dance. If only the owners of the park would experience some European Breakers, they'd see what gem they really have on their hands.

    Anyway, sorry for the negative posts. I will try check myself before I rant.

    • Like 2
  8. What a load of junk that SBF Matterhorn is... honestly, they should have spent money keeping the Mack ride running!

    Interesting to see what will happen with bringing in temporary rides. A major travelling ride was supposed to go in for a while, but with all the drama going on, Luna Park put a stop to that. Kinda glad to be honest.

    • Like 1
  9. I was at the show before we opened doing some graphic work for a few owners but came home on the first Saturday. I'll probably be back at the RES in 19.... until then I might be working on the Beast at Hawkesbury :-)

    The waltzer is brand new, and was first set up in Melbourne at the Picketts yard, then went onto a festival at Craigeburn and then Moomba. The public has really responded to it, and surprisingly that intense spinning doesn't make you sick... well doesn't make me sick haha

  10. Sound Wave has proven a big hit at the show this year, originally it was named XSCREAM WALTZER, but Doyle was wanting a different name, so we worked together on this signage, artwork for the front (SOUND WAVE) and flags were created by me to fit in with the existing theme.

    It also gives one insane ride, its up there with the force of the Huss Break Dance's in Europe!

  11. Interesting to see

    ALI BABA, CHAOS & SCORPION operating at the park, I never knew that happened.... all three rides are operating, although I think Chaos lives up in the NT now.

    Ali baba is in horrible condition, and Scorpion can be found here and there, especially down at Rye every summer with Wittingslow.

    thanks for the photos!

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Tim Dasco said:

    Dreamworld are not the only ones making these changes. Adventure world has added seat belts to Black Widow. One staff member also told me that life guards have to operate the buccaneer battles now. Seems the government might be making some new restrictions and requirements on rides.

    Surprised Black Widow didn't have this done earlier, Joylands travelling Power Surge has had seat belts for quite some time now.

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