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ABYSS last won the day on April 17 2018

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  1. Thank you to the both of you. Plus, my mistake.
  2. Is Surfrider at Wet n’ Wild an upcharge to go on or is it included in admission? Just wondering since my last time over on the GC in 2012 I believe it was an up charge along with SkyCoaster and the zip line.
  3. EDIT: You have to wear enclosed shoes to enter the maze.
  4. Here's our first inside look of AW's first attempt of a scare maze. A bit of a shame that it seems as if guests will have to walk through the maze with some parts consisting of a sandy flooring (I'm pretty sure some will also consist of paving as the maze will be utilising the old pathway to the castle). Looks like I'll be wearing thongs during my walk through. Other than this it seems pretty cool.
  5. Wasn’t too sure what thread to put this in but just wanted to note, as of today, part of Inferno has been dismantled (Very top one, or two parts of the tower) as it annually is in the off season.
  6. Things to note from today: -Was decently busy today in park despite the overcast weather that Perth had experienced today -Guests weren’t granted access to the park until approximately 10:20am this morning for unknown reasons, this included season pass holders entering through the season pass entry gate who usually can enter the park from 9:45am -All rides were open throughout the day excluding the chairlift in which opened at 11 and closed at around 3, Inferno opened at around 11 as always -After riding Inferno a few times and realising we were doing 5 shots ~ 0 drops, I decided to ask the ride operator why we weren’t doing any drops, she answered with, drops are broken, when we activate the drop cycle, the ride stops -Kahuna Falls’ water affects throughout the whole attraction shut in the middle of the day for about 20 minutes whilst lifeguards and maintenance worked on filling a small ‘hole’ that had been punctured in the fibreglass waterslides at the top of the water playground
  7. Things to note from today: -Wasn’t the busiest in park today due to being a colder day, warmed up throughout the day and Waterslides began to gain a queue -Abyss testing until around 10:30am, seeming as if the trains where struggling to make it over the overbanked turn following immalmen loop after main drop -New grass laid next to exit of Goliath, fenced off with temporary boundary, making it difficult to jump back in line after getting off -Inferno running it’s usual cycle today, 3 shots~ 1 drop
  8. On the bright side, atleast Wild West Falls.. I mean Abyss, isn’t closed for a whole year whilst they do some minor maintenance such as removing some spider webs. Agreed. Best cobweb theming I’ve seen at a so-called “fun fair”.
  9. “The most advanced roller coaster in the world. The biggest, the fastest, the greatest thrill attraction ever built. THE DC RIVALS HYPERCOASTER - the best.” i have evidence people I’m sorry but that’s a load of bullshit. Atleast @Tim Dasco point is valid and is actually realistic. Whoops.
  10. Inferno is certainly back in action!! (Check out @iwerks page)
  11. The Adventure World team are extremely excited for the launch of their first AW nights event tomorrow and have been doing many updates of preparation for the night on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. ”Spotted! Flamingling around the park. TOMORROW NIGHT it’s #AWnights showtime! Better be quick and pick up your tix online now for your chance to win a Family Season Pass for the 2018-19 Season.”
  12. Adventure World Inferno update: Driving to school this morning- Crane erected next to tower. Driving home from school- Tower complete with missing topper piece on top.
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