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  1. It did open today but only for about 10mins around 1pm, dunno after that, only stayed till 2:30, not enough open to make me wanna stay.
  2. why only close rivals for two days? is there anything they could possibly do to the ride in such a short period of time?
  3. If they just repainted it only to have it not viable as a ride due to metal fatigue that would be horrible. Also be horrible in the sense of too many rides have disappeared on the coast as is, missing ToT and AA already! I wonder why the inspection because I imagine they would of done an inspection prior to painting to make sure the ride is still viable before investing anything more into it.
  4. umm I'm confused here, what does it mean by theatrical release opposed to the home entertainment distribution (DVD), I only knew them to be a home entertainment distributor. Is it saying they won't let them play it in their cinema division?
  5. Forgive me for my lack of correct definition in what I meant, yes not the footers, the steel, beams solidly plastered to the concrete footers not the ones with cross beams that look like oversized scaffolding etc... Seems I'm completely off base than, which is a pity because it looks cool with the multi colour paint that it does now imo.
  6. I must be blind than, I thought the concrete ones were always white/cream, and if that's the case than does that mean the park map is right?
  7. I think jdude already pointed out the issue already Maybe the dude doing the design was high not just the design 😅 Bad jokes aside on my part, the graphic is missing the far reaching bend before the sidewinder and the loop after it, add the fact the one type of supports are blue on the map as pointed out by gazza and most of the blue supports are white on the map. So doubly indeed, haven't there been enough park maps that are wildly inaccurate for people to take it with a pinch of salt? Not saying it can't happen but would seem odd to paint the tracks whilst not painting the supports under it, and the opposite for the other. Where there is yellow there is blue supports, where the is blue track there is white supports. Weren't the support originally white so why paint them blue if they were gonna paint them white again?
  8. MW is landlocked so not possible in the first place unless they want an early demo of AA (I still have hope for AA), SW has enough construction going on that they wouldn't bother. Aussie world just got SX360, plus covid shutdown I don't think they'd be a financially viable option. In this global climate I'm doubtful if they'd be able to sell it. Not with how parks around the world don't know what their income is gonna be for the foreseeable future. I'd think they would more likely try to slowly build it if they couldn't build it in one go. E.g. we'll get the footers in this year, in another 6months the structures up, another 6 months after that coaster track installed (keep decorations very last or just ditch them) though doing it that way I would imagine be more expensive but if you haven't got the cash and can't sell it....
  9. Busch gardens is a ghost town, when I went there couple of years ago it was quiet but that is... not sure if they're physically limiting numbers or if people are scared or if he just didn't get people on camera but that is less than 25% of normal park operations, that is probably 15% in comparison to what I got which was already almost all walk on rides except cheeter hunt (30min wait, and although he shows 65min wait, trains were launching every 2mins at full capacity opposed to the long wait he showed), which makes me wonder why even open at all? as they're not selling much merch with stores closed, and running trains with so many empty seats aren't they loosing more money by turning the rides on?
  10. Needs some landscaping done, and a fair bit different to what they portrayed wonder what the final product will look like with plants and signage.
  11. VRTP is trying to do make membership holders a bridge loan? or is their system just too confusing that it would be a pain to text all membership holders to stop automatic payments until further notice?
  12. As I said above they don't use the lift hill as a section, the only time I've ever seen them stop the train on the lift hill is either when the chain lift has had electrical issues and it randomly stops mid hill (not seen it happen since the year it launched but no saying it hasn't happened since) or the last ride of the day when they've got two trains, they cut the power to the lift hill for like 30 seconds dunno why but maybe some shut down check.
  13. I've only gone once at that time of year to MW and it was 50min+ queue all day scooby got as bad as 2 hours but that was between boxing day and new years... never ever again! best time is probably at least a week after schoolies until boxing day. double trains but lowish crowds, after boxing day you have the annual leave of half the country with 1-2 weeks holiday and a truck load of guests at tourist zones e.g. theme parks, I would avoid until at least the 12th of Jan before trying to enjoy a theme park after boxing day. It is unusual that they would do that in the busiest part of the year but stuff happens e.g. DCR being closed on my first fright nite (the one ride I went for), so yes it can be hit and miss.
  14. damn sorry mate i’m on my phone and i’m not proof reading lmao I'm pretty sure he was referring to me I put one of my 'brake' as 'break'... Not sure what is considered “busy” for MW. but 60 for super man all day consistently and dc was never bellow 60 either. By the sounds of that it they just lack the staff for the day, if both superman and DCR are 60mins + I'm guessing this is during feb since they've had GL, Batwing & AA were down? Queues would build crazy but it being off peak they don't actually expect many guests so they've likely not scheduled enough staff for the day thinking crowds wouldn't get that big. That's would be my guess but if I'm wrong and this is on school holidays I would be a little surprised.
  15. I'm not sure if you mean the second car has already hit the brake run and they wait 2-3mins in the sun before it goes into station or if its total 2-3 mins between trains switched into station? because a train waiting in the sun for 2-3mins ain't normal operations from when I've been there but it should take around 2 and a half mins for one train to run through when they have two trains running. Aprox 1min and 50 seconds to go from station to end of brake run, with about 15 second wait after to go into station if the other train takes off straight away than you have to wait for everybody to get off and new people to get on but that should take less than the 2mins for the other train to make it back. As stated in the post above there is no mid break section and the chain lift does not act as section break session mostly because they don't like to turn it off midway lift hill unless its the last ride of the day, so you only have the station and the brake run as section breaks between the two actual trains, meaning that one train requires to be at the end of the brake run before the other one is allowed to climb the lift hill.
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