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RobMac last won the day on January 16 2024

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  1. Park will feel a lot more "balanced" when a nextgen Rocky Hollow is built, complete with the worlds BEST Log Ride! 👍
  2. This gets a Solid DW mark of 3.5/10 so very DW expected! I'm actually all for DW enhancing their offering....as the park is really only a 1/2 day theme-park at the moment, with few seriously good attractions....this is modest, but totally DW expected!
  3. If there's one thing DW should N-O-T do, as in NOT DO....EVER......is go again down the dark path, of that Pathetic Twisted Rubbish! In other words, yeah DW management is capable of saying YES to shooting themselves in both feet in yet another way and hosting that Pathetic Twisted Rubbish!
  4. Re 7 NEWS item....think they want to better learn about "fine dining" 😁 but good luck to DW...not surprising their bringing back more "old" stuff....from the era when it was a decent park!
  5. The DW island was never open to the public!
  6. Re the BIG three DW - New Log Ride (couple more quality carnival type rides, to affordably boost overall park appeal) SW - New Vikings Revenge (maybe a couple more quality "carnival" type rides in their Atlantis area - affordably boost the offering of the area) MW - look at an old LA street car type ride circumnavigating the park - it's gone heavyish into rides at the more thrill end of the spectrum, this would help bring a little more balance to ride force of the park
  7. SEQ parks, (for the most part) in the 80/90's look bettererer than 2day! (Life lesson: never let a bunch of mean bean-counters, at a merchant bank buy a theme park....it'll be the beginning of the [near] end!)
  8. The new look's no match for the intended, original look...hopefully SEQ theme-park operators get their nextgen flumes right....when they finally emerge!
  9. Every 18 months or so, this story gets dragged out like the tree in December!
  10. Was way bettererer when they had VR.......SW need a flume ride!
  11. Relax son, it's just what adults call a comment...no need to wet yaself.....count to 3...well, try for 2 and you'll be fine! 😎
  12. Two entirely different types of experiences. Both true quality in their own respective ways.
  13. MW would hype an s-bend in a new block of toilets!
  14. World Class WATER based attraction for SEA World....Viking Revenge MarkII....with next generation wetter water.... 😎
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