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Everything posted by Rivals

  1. the front row seats became available again i think a month or two prior to the ride going down for its current maintenance period. they’ve said this current period is so they can “upgrade sensors within the station to increase boats per hour and reduce the queue wait times” which hopefully is true as the new loading procedures made the line move at a snails pace.
  2. the only park i can recall allowing re-rides was dreamworld (years ago so might not be allowed now) we were able to ride tower of terror multiple times, changing our seats every ride and never leaving the station. Movie World does make you go all the way back around though even if there’s no one in line.
  3. not sure if it has been brought up, but Shockwave has had a chain added across the fronts of the seats, im assuming so guests can’t walk off or something? the back wall has also been painted to fit in more, it definitely doesn't look as good as the original moral but it’s nice to see the park doing little things to just improve everything overall
  4. when it’s coming to both attractions being nearly 2+ years late with many promised opening dates, a month or two of bad weather shouldn’t affect it that bad especially when many other attractions have been constructed and opened during the same time frame. they should’ve just done what the sea world parks had to do, announce they were pushing the rides back but not announce the opening date, so when they had to push it back from 2021 - 2022, it wasn’t that big of a deal as when there is opening dates set, cause as soon as an opening date is announced, it looks like the rides ready to go and people start buying passes. I mean a 3rd of September opening date is still being advertised on social media ads and telling people to buy there passes for it, there isn’t really any excuse for simply false advertising and wasting peoples money at this point.
  5. are they getting new gondola’s with similar restraints to Lex Luthor and Zumonjaro at SFGA, or is it just the way the illustrations are made? overall i love the new modern look of it as well as how they’re redesigned the station. i think it’ll fit in very well with ST and will overall look much better then currently
  6. Aquaman was pushed back to allow them to add a turn table to the ride, increasing the capacity, WWFOG seems to be running on track with its expected late July opening, doctor diabolical is also being done pretty fast. all these rides (excluding aquaman if that counts) are 2022 additions and started construction end of last year / this year and have had no actual promised opening dates. I mean even ST started actual construction last year and was opened by the end of the year. this whole area has been under construction since 2019 (correct me if i'm wrong), with several dates stated for vortex prior to it’s actual opening, Trident + Leviathan have had multiple advertisements stating multiple specific opening dates, promising people who buy their passes that this will be open to them, then the rides get randomly pushed back. it’s not a good look at all
  7. can confirm winterfest nights this year won’t be happening due to it the Moonlight Markets. imo, it would be smart to have the winterfest nights as well as a ‘preview’ of the moonlight markets, giving people the chance to check it out while visiting the park would definitely help boost attendance if the night markets once they open, especially if the crowds were as big as happy halloween was last year.
  8. hopefully it is and they decided to go with a Lech Coaster type ride instead🤞🏼
  9. it’s definitely surprising however, i hope they go the family-thrill route. There current coaster is Kids orientated, and then the only other coaster is BuzzSaw, one of the most intimidating coasters in the country. So a Family-Thrill coaster bridging the gap between the two would work well. I could see it being a Space Warp Coaster, it would give the park a launch which isn’t too extreme, mixed with airtime, inversions and good forces, it also has a height limit of 120cm, another option could be one of their motorbike launch coasters similar to Booster Bike at Toverland.
  10. by the looks of it i guessed correctly here. (credit: mittythemeparks instagram) Orange Track has shown up at Gumbuya World, which appears to be vekoma track. i wonder if this is going to be one of their family models (inverted, family boomerang, average family coaster model) or if we could be seeing something a bit more, thrilling. there is a mystery next gen Tilt Coaster instillation happening outside of the US, would be cool to see that here.
  11. a repaint, updates to the signage, and most likely tidying up the queue during its maintenance they really are trying to make it look just like it did when it opened and im so glad the parks improving some issues. Let’s hope the rides running like it was when it first opened🤞🏼
  12. you’re saying one park is bad for having rides closed when they all have a large amount of rides closed? so it’s going to be brought up whether it’s the topic or not
  13. movie world must be in a horrible space then as not too long ago 1 coaster out of 5 coasters were open (scooby) and doomsday was on and off all day
  14. it’s definitely to do with the Giant Drop refurb, it’s only started open later as work is starting on the refurb and if they were trying to save money it wouldn’t only be for 90mins, they probably just wouldn’t bother opening it
  15. Motor-coaster was meant to reopen at the end of may (20th i think), and the Merry Go Round wasn’t meant to be closed but is closed due to the MovieWorld Incident, so there is more rides down then expected. Not too long ago Rivals, Superman, Green-lantern and WWF were all closed down the road (SE and GL was only listed for one day at the same time both unexpected) so none of the parks can really control it, and it doesent effect them as much as it’s not peak period at the moment
  16. the parks extremely quiet on the weekdays and im assuming this only relates for the school weekdays and not the school holiday weekdays. if it’s only weeks day within the school term i don’t think it’s that big of a deal
  17. i’m guessing they probably went with the green to make it blend into the backdrop more. for the name, i wouldn’t be surprised if it was something like ‘twisted python’ or just ‘python’. i will say i really hope the rides reliability won’t be as bad here. at dreamworld it had the advantage of it being unpopular and not the stand out attraction so when it was down it was really just a ‘who cares’ situation. But at Gumbya, it is the headliner and the biggest ride there, so hopefully it won’t be as unreliable or they have another ‘big ride’ coming soon.
  18. Update for the BuzzSaw Relocation (@mittythemeparks Instagram): They have started vertical construction so hopefully this means it will be open by the end of the year, the official colour scheme is Green track with Charcoal coloured supports. any guesses for what the theme / name could be? i’m still going to guess it’ll have something to do with a Python or just snakes in general.
  19. Rivals was also meant to be closed for 2 month's, but when superman got pushed back they kept it open and then once it went down there was a week or two before this weather started happening, looks like theh aren’t having the best luck
  20. i was considering the recent weather and how big the ride is, by the time it clears up they’ll have little under a month to do a full repaint so i won’t be surprised if it’s maintenance schedule gets pushed back a bit
  21. i’ve circled the repainted area for you, it took me a while too but if you look at the spine of the track you can notice it better and see the brush marks
  22. i wonder if they’ll do some parts of the track or all of the track, considering the ride is suppose to open in just over a month, if they paint the whole ride i’ll be surprised simply by how late they’re starting the job
  23. to make Taipans area not a dead end, and allow it to flow into other areas such as the Markets area and down towards Giant Drop and the Native Wildlife Area
  24. The Steel Taipan area does get close to the old Blue Lagoon area, so if they did end up doing this, they could possibly add a path connecting Taipan’s area to the markets and loop it back around towards the old LogRide Area, creating two access points within the park and an outside entrance point located next to Taipan’s Twisted Half-Pipe.
  25. (photos via: au_themeparkfan on instagram, post contains more photos then the ones below) looks like trident is finally having work done to it at a very fast pace, this September 3rd opening for both Leviathan and Trident is starting to look very likely.
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