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Everything posted by Rivals

  1. for the kids area both Speedy’s Taxi’s and Yosemite Sam Railroad could both be ripped out and be used for better attractions. Speedy’s has a better version of the ride next door and Yosemite Sam’s doesn’t really have a line ever. You could put 1-2 flats in the area occupied by the Taxi’s and maybe a small kid’s coaster in the Railroad’s spot (something like the new Skyline kiddie coasters going to Six Flags Fiesta Texas and Over Georgia, both have a 90cm height requirement). You could also put a flat ride or two in WoO down the road, something like a Nebulaz themed to the Tornado would be a great ride for the family.
  2. Flash has started going vertical within the past day, my guess is it will all be up by the time Superman reopens. theme_park_ogre
  3. @DaptoFunlandGuycan you not read? i’ve said it sounds like a good idea a couple times, but i highly doubt it would happen as the space is used by many different departments for many different things. to simplify it even more, would i like it to happen? yes. in reality would it happen? most likely not. there wasn’t really a need to write all of that when someone’s saying it would be a good idea, you’re acting like i run the park and it’s my decision on wether or not they use this space. a hobby is needed.
  4. I will say i use to do Rivals Backwards a lot when the ride first opened (probably because i was younger and it was fun with friends) but as the price has gone up and i’ve grown, it’s definitely a bit too intense for me. it’s a great experience and probably a one and done now. I do agree on drop towers, whenever i’m forced on one it’s definitely an experience i feel like i should tell my therapist on our next session, especially Giant Drop. Batwing is a kids ride in comparison. Another ride i get too nervous to ride is Doomsday, not because im scared of it, but with how unreliable and prone to break downs it is (like the 3 times it’s been stuck upside down) i’d rather pass that ride.
  5. now that i remember it, what happened to that multi-level car park that was proposed a couple years back (maybe even recently)? did the locals win and have it canned. I honestly think the main reason they won’t build a multi-level car park because of how ugly it would look when driving past with how the parks built, that’s if they didn’t do it right
  6. i hope you’re referencing a saying i'm unaware of and not the meaning of what i know the word as, lord… as Nene Leaks once said: RPReplay_Final1684668615.mov adapting would be adding a new building to store what they need there instead of the JDSC building, not disrupting the BOH movement of several departments.
  7. even though you have a good point, i very highly doubt they’re going to change it.
  8. why try and alter the way it is ran now to go back to the old school way when how it is currently being ran, is working. If there was no access next to Scooby then yeah 100% it’s needed to be reopened, but when the Chinatown alleyway is essential just another path to get to the Scooby alley it doesn’t need to be opened and they can just open the Scooby alley. Yeah it’s not as big as the Chinatown entry way but it’s good enough for crowd flow, you can notice it during Fright Nights and White Christmas
  9. considering 95% of the time im pro-dreamworld and critical with the way village runs certain areas of their park, i’d say not. it’s just me using common sense. why would they place storage at the very back of the park, on the opposite side of where stuff is needed? parade floats ect are stored out near the JDSC building and are maintained within it, so keeping it on that side where it’s out of view for guests makes sense.
  10. from what i’ve heard the area is used for F&B, janitor and retail departments storage, easier transportation of carts and BOH stuff and general break areas. it seems very utilised. It sounds good but would it happen? probably not. my guess is it’ll stay exclusive for back of house and fright nights.
  11. when storage space is needed in a landlocked park then sometimes changes have to be made. yeah it made good crowd flow but you also have the Scooby alley, so when the china town alley is just another way to get into the Scooby alley then even though it would be nice, it isn’t essential.
  12. the Scooby doo alley will be permanently opened to accompany WoO, as it will be another entry/exit for the land which will help crowd flow.
  13. the departments need space to make the park operate smoothly, sure it’s great guest flow but you also have the Scooby doo alley. I think it would be great if that entry reopened with WoO but i highly doubt it.
  14. it was removed as IT has gone through its 2 year run at fright nights. a lot of areas (such as china town alley way) became back of house areas because the departments needed space, same with the storage in the JDSC building. When a park expands its offering, back of house need more space, which is hard when the park is landlocked. This isn’t a problem at Dreamworld as they have the space to have storage and departments out of guest view, MovieWorld doesn’t have this privilege.
  15. I think they should hold off the unlimited fast pass option until Flash, the WoO coasters and Scooby Doo all open (or even after WoO opens). As the park currently stands they don’t have enough attractions or fast operations to make unlimited fast pass work well.
  16. The area is now used as back of house for many different departments so i highly doubt that alleyway would be used again, however the alley next to Scooby seems like it will be a permanent alternative entry so that will help the parks flow immensely.
  17. Seabed Splash Pad Construction Update: Theme_park_ogre ^if you don’t already you should really follow this guy, he posts so much content in terms of our parks construction updates and deserves more recognition
  18. Yellow track pieces for Flash have shown up on sight, with scaffolding now going up around the rides loading platforms. Here are also some more HD photos of the current vertical support and how close they get to Superman. The kinetic energy as well as the appearance of this area once Flash and WoO are done will be amazing. Theme_park_ogre
  19. Concept art for the archway into the Wizard of Oz area as well as the area’s logo have been added onto construction fencing next to Superman’s breakrun. theme_park_ogre
  20. Im pretty sure these will be the trains dragster will reopen with along with any other accelerator coaster that get this type of launch refurb (if anymore get it from Zamperla and not Intamin).
  21. well: 1) thats where the planned hotel site is. 2) it would go right up against a residential area. 3) the ride would have to cater to kids and families as it’s well, in the kids area. 4) they would have to change the back of house area for that side of the park which they wouldn’t do. i think you should put some more thought in before actually posting, all most of your post do is dampen your already bad reputation.
  22. I’m thinking they want to have Superman down as little as possible which is why the opening date isn’t until April 2024, plus shipping for a new train (if this is the case.) I’m also thinking the red line in the above post will be the entry to the ride, i do hope if this is the case the area reconnects with Superman’s plaza, otherwise it’ll just be a dead end. Besides that, the ride really does look a lot better then i was imaging it would look, i can’t wait to see how this turns out.
  23. at the end of the day, no everyday guest gives a shit about the font used on top of a gondola, heck most probably don’t even notice it. the redesign is great, even i wouldn’t have noticed the font if it wasn’t pointed out, the only people that will care about it are enthusiasts looking for something to nit pick. the rides open after it’s year+ long refurbishment, can’t we just be happy it’s open and looking great rather then having to find something to complain about? it’s so boring and tiring at this point.
  24. this is the max height the ride was swinging too yesterday, not sure if it was any higher today or not. Jaggsjourneysau
  25. So, it’s essentially a glorified pirate ship now? looks like i was right about the fact they’d rather keep a barely functioning ride then admit the ride was a failure. I think it would be a much better fit at SeaWorld, preferably in the old Sea Viper plot of land. SeaWorld doesn’t have anything that goes backwards or a coaster with inversions and they only have one family launch coaster, whereas MovieWorld is adding SurfRider which is similar to a SRII, has 2 coasters that goes backwards and one with inversions.
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