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Everything posted by Brendo88

  1. I was there today. Lockers and station is the exact same as they were before closure. SE itself was working well when I rode with the only thing not working was the misters on the building openings. It did have a few brief outages during the day though.
  2. FYI I went to to the Park yesterday and Rivals was running two trains.
  3. Who would have thought? Would have been nicer sooner but props to them for doing it in the end. The video essentially confirms that no works have been carried out on Scooby yet, which is disappointing.
  4. I beg to differ. I've been going to the park for 'decades' and It's never been as bad as what it has been now and in the past couple of years.
  5. Every major ride except GL and JL is now down. What an embarrassment.
  6. Interesting that if you click on the ‘ rides ‘ section it is not listed, you have to browse through the ‘ all attractions ‘ section for it to display. In any case I sure hope it’s running for FN!
  7. Where did you see that? It doesn’t appear to be listed on the website as yet. Would be great for them to include it though with no Scooby this year.
  8. Tickets are now available for purchase. Just brought mine- $516 for our chosen night for entry and Fast Track (mazes only) X 2..... Ouch.
  9. Media is loving the price rise. There was just a story on it on Sunrise this morning.
  10. I couldn't see that this has been discussed yet, but is anyone else confused over their wording they are using on social media about the closure? They keep saying ' to be completed IN 2024' which implies it will be just not operating at all in 2023, work starting in 2024 and then will reopen at some time in 2024 ( could be Christmas !) Shouldn't they be using the wording ' to be completed BY 2024' ? That would make a lot more sense... maybe im just picky though.
  11. Justice League has now reopened from its lengthy refurb/ maintenance period. Has anyone been able to go on it yet and confirm any changes?
  12. Great Post! Can I ask what app that is you're measuring the forces with on your apple watch?
  13. Buffet $75 is a little much. It used to only be 39 from memory. You can go to the seafood buffet at the star for $69 so $75 is a bit of an ask. You should be able to delete the stupid hat and save $25 on the price 👌
  14. Well ricks wasn’t open yesterday when I went to I’m guessing it was indeed only for school holidays. Really disappointed they aren’t brining it back full time.
  15. Didn’t see any working. Like you, I don’t recall ever seeing it in the past either
  16. I was at the park yesterday. Lots not working on Scooby ( lift Screens, projection screens). It felt very rough, you could tell it’s almost due for its annual maintenance. lots of missing effects on WWF too. Rivals was running two trains and running quite well. superman had all effects working including water on stairs and the misters at the two openings. It a as only running one train. GL seemed to be running ok, no audio on the trains though ( not that it ever really works) overall park seemed tidy, a lot of new staff I noticed and some seemed to be a lot more enthusiastic than their previous counterparts
  17. I went last night. It seemed pretty busy ( I had fast track so can’t comment on normal wait times) IT and conjuring were my top two picks for mazes, followed by death row, doll Haus and zombie land. Was a great night and glad to have the event back again!
  18. It is 100% a diesel generator and not a compressor. It looks a very permanent installation too on a slab with proper channeling and conduit for the electrical to the lift hill motor.
  19. Some pics of how the removal of Arkham is progressing ( taken at fright nights last night)
  20. Speaking of powering rides…. Does anyone know why they have put a diesel generator in the corner of green lantern now that is permanently hooked up to the new lift bill motor? Seems a bit odd to be running the thing off a large generator ( and costly too)
  21. I agree. I also think when the new wizard of oz precinct is finished it will go a long way to help the queue situations. If you rewind a few years back when Arkham was still around, if you went to the park on a weekday and not school holidays typically everything was walk on. It hasn’t been like that since covid now though.
  22. Surprised no one has mentioned this yet, but there have been stories on the news the last two days regarding a lot of rides being closed and huge wait times at MW. There haven't been any closures listed on the website so not sure what's going on there. As for crowds... its still school holidays in multiple states, crowds are expected! Still, not very good publicity for the park. https://fb.watch/f-7qXB0ecF/
  23. For now….. it does say limited time only on it. Hopefully they change their mind and leave it open
  24. Maybe its time to remove the trim brake fins from the first hill... Just saying!
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