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  1. This section needed a fresh coat once Hop n Hoot was removed in order to keep the section that was the former ride envelope one colour, plus an anti-slip coat was added... and seating... makes for a great shaded seating area 🤔😏
  2. Well, well, well.... seems as tho the first flight will be departing as soon as this morning... ✈️ For anyone needing requirement specifications 😉
  3. Soooo, with all or what seems to be a bit of movement thru staff training, running test runs and the all important staff/friends night last night, hands up who’d be keen to see Sky Voyager take flight before the end of the month?? 🤷🏼‍♂️
  4. Ahhhh but even then, Giant Drop is back to 10 - 5 trade 7 days a week 😉... Log ride and Vintage Cars are the only 2 rides to close at 4 on a weekday (5pm weekend) with a handful of attractions opening at 11 🙌🏻... Atleast this should give the punters the right about of ‘do’ for their money
  5. Regardless of all the speculation and hopes of what dreamworld will deliver, it’s good to see the Dreamworld Express back on track (although not the steam) a week earlier than predicted and the hours of the rides pretty much back to normal every day (give or take a couple 11am starts and 4pm closures on weekdays)✌🏻
  6. Family ride? The safety notice claim it to be a pretty limited ride for those wishing to ride... ie, 70kg per seat? 🤷🏼‍♂️ Welllll.... the temp fencing and lack of operators booth would lead one to believe its prob ‘gone’
  7. The ‘sliding’ doors have not been working properly for months... don’t quote me on it but I believe they are working on a better system for them as they seem to play up regularly.
  8. Or maybe they’ve been doing minor works in the lead up to the hols in order to get it open over the holiday period and potentially close it for bigger maintenance after the holidays? 🤷🏼‍♂️
  9. Where were these images even obtained from? I don’t believe there is any prediction for the attraction to open early April considering we’ve already been told it won’t be open for the holidays...
  10. I know for a fact that atleast 2 billboards on the M1 near Ormeau/Pimpama have already been changed out from SV to a different advert - not Dreamworld... potential was there and they got people’s attention with it but without a confirmed date it was a bit hit and miss... like others have said, let’s hope they smash out the advertising and promos for when it does open
  11. I’m a bit cautious to support all of this... whilst some of this info does seem feesable and somewhat detailed I wonder how and/or why you would be permitted to release such information especially with the attraction not open to the public. You state ‘your job being on the line’ which would suggest you work at dreamworld? And are aware that what you are apparently ‘releasing’ (I use that word losely) could land you in trouble? if, IF you are infact an employee, why would you want to give away the surprise to those whom havnt enjoyed any part of the experience? I for one am pumped for this when it opens and if any of what you suggest is true, will be utterly disappointed to of heard about the ‘ins’ prior to entering the building for the first time. I get that this topic has been spoken about regularly and there have been some hardcore trolls around it and that some people may thrive off as much info as possible prior to attending but I think I speak on behalf of a few people out there, the WOW factor is starting from the the queue, entering the building and being emersed in the surroundings/experience right thru to the end. I really do hope not all if any of this is accurate but I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
  12. Ahhh, but you see, it did infact arrive in 2018... there is nothing there to suggest ‘opening’ in 2018... so early 2019 it is 😊
  13. Plus March is technically not ‘summer’ 😉
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