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Everything posted by Bmull19

  1. Amazing Drawings and idea Gazza! You've made me want to draw, but I really gotta do my bio prac report and my english oral, so maybe after that. ^.^ I have some ideas I'll sketchup soon.
  2. Well, I guess the 'price war' still isn't over, according to Dreamworld and Whitewater World whom continue to heavily discount passes, now $99 untill the end of November, a pretty good deal. I do find this a *bit* of a shame seeing as I purchased the Platinum pass in April (Just over $200) and now with all these discounts and extra offers, I'm feeling left out. Like the $69 pass got unlimited early entry! For Free! I really feel left out!
  3. Why, yes, appareantly microwaves ACTUALLY cause cancer now (according to Television).
  4. Honestly, I really cant believe the nerve (well not nerve, but you get it) of some people picking at every little thing Dreamworld does! Like seriously, c'mon, can't we just give them a break? First it was 'TOTII isn't a new ride, it's just a lame excuse to avoid putting one in' and now this?! Honestly, look, this may cause cancer, but everything does! Microwaves cause cancer too! AND, if the shop down the road replaced the spot where the sunscreen used to be with some chocolate because they thought it was more profitable, and then you couldn't find the sunscreen anymore (and no one would help you. ), is that unethical because it's causing cancer? Seriously, let's just give them a break for once.
  5. To me, IMO, Aqualoop isn't a 'new ride' to me, because I'm pretty shy with my body. I'm not 'Obese', but I'm not skinny either... BMI of 24... So I'm not great. >.<
  6. I've posted this everywhere -> Good on Dreamworld! Standing up for what's right!
  7. Can I ask a question... Is it true you can't wear rashies (tight swimming shirts), t-shirts, and baggy pants and baggy board shorts?
  8. Have to agree with the person who wrote that! ^.^ Last night when I went on it, as you hurdle backwards through the tunnel, the lights make the effect that you're not moving AT ALL! This makes a sudden surprise because as soon as you leave the tunnel, you're going up already! You don't know when it is going to happen! It felt so surreal and felt like eternity!
  9. Woah Woah Woah! Why all the fighting??? Can't we accept we all know a little bit? Back on topic... Yer, I like this TV commercial quite a bit! Make it all feel a bit more real! I can't believe it has been almost one month already! Media launch tonight! I will be going in in approx. 11 hours and 10 minutes.
  10. Was at Dreamworld yesterday... I saw the sign on the side of the tunnel and it looks like a plasma screen TV to me... like one of those water proof ones you see... Seeing this made me think 'hey, maybe this is connected somehow to that be funky structure'. Who knows.
  11. AlexB, you made my day! I keep saying 'Why not the carpark?'. Everyone says 'can't do it, not possible, rada rada'... I think it would be an awesome ride! Not only for on-ride, but it would attract people seeing a coaster right in their face as they drive past. Let's face it, everyone comes in through Brissy Airport, and if they drive past on South-Bound (that is the right highway, right? Next to Dreamworld), then they would see this ride as they drive past because tourists would be heading to Surfers and they would see this ride!
  12. Honestly, it's a SYDNEY water park, something I thought would NEVER happen down there! And hey, it looks almost as good as, or even almost better than WWW already! Especially with those 2 Aqualoops which would be there from the beginning. That would give Australia, what, 6 of the world's 9 aqualoops??? BUT, I don't like the look of this from Dreamworld's perspective. VRTP opening a new park, getting more money and being able to upgrade all the other parks even further! :S It's going to get hard!
  13. The cart is a major part of the ride! It would have to be strong to be able to cope with those strains 7+ hours a day! All this has begun over what it looks like. What if everyone is wrong and it's just paint on top???? The cart is as complex as a car, in my own opinion, and no one better get angry at me for saying that, because I'm entitled to my opinion, as much as you are! There seems to be a lot of fury around here about people when they have a different opinion. My opinion is that this cart, it has to interact with the electromagnets at the EXACT millisecond required. Yeah, sure, you might think 'but it's all just the magnets work' but it's not. It takes two to tango, and in this case, for Tower of Terror to launch, it takes the magnets AND the cart to do it. I agree with a little bit from everyone. I believe it does look softer than the other one. But I also believe, it looks better and more modern. Only thing is that I don't think it really has the same basis as the last cart. It's got smaller rubber wheels, full harnesses, new seating layout for the back (well front) 2 seats, etc. Oh well... as I said, everyone gets their opinion.
  14. Obviously be media??? That's what I would think.
  15. Ahhh! Thank you! I knew it had to be something simple. For some reason I was thinking WnW a lot.
  16. I might feel like an idiot, but what's WWF? I know it has to be something to do with Village, so I'm thinking, but I really don't know! Also, to all the yelling stuff at Randy, I'm sorry if I've ever said something that wasn't meant to be said. Thought I might just clear that up now. >.> And really, is this the spot to be yelling at people? Maybe just drop them a PM if you have something to say.
  17. Yes, there will be, the 16th of September (Thursday night).
  18. Oooo! It's Dreamworld's 30TH!!!! Next year on the 15th of December! Probably going to see something MASSIVE (Hopefully) to commemorate this!
  19. OOooo... I love cool little tech things, especially those interactive homepages Dreamworld has. HOPEFULLY we will see a lot of terror in it. Like the picture that's one there all darkened with like some grey clouds around the top of the tower and an evil laugh sound. <:-)
  20. It's a Thursday night! If it was school time, I would reconsider.
  21. Hey everyone! I will be checkin' out the Media Launch with Gold Coaster (Tony) on these forums too for Zendorphin. Will be sure to get some pictures too! I'm sure tony will too anyways! I'm sure it will be awesome, but for now, I have to go to English.
  22. Someone might of seen my post on the Facebook page for Dreamworld (I was answering a question) and there was someone complaining about the buy 3 get one free at WVTP compared to Dreamworld & WWW. So I did an add up for them. Buy 4 WVTP's VIP and you get just under $100 savings. Buy 4 Dreamworld ones (This was when they were released) and you get a maximum of 4 half priced adult tickets for Dreamworld it is $144 per card, which is $576 for the 4. Then add the one month free if you get it online (Don't forget, this is calculated when it was a full 12 months) which is $99 divided by 12 timesed by 4 which adds to $33. So in total, it's over $609 if you use all the discounts to the best possibility. So, when you think 'bout it this way, it's over $509 more savings than WVTP.
  23. Defineatly using the old cart, but people are saying the new one is now up testing? I cannot confirm this however as I only saw the old one testing when I was there reaching pretty high up on the tower. There is a new car though, so don't worry!
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