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Everything posted by Bmull19

  1. There's no need to compete on the world stage. Most visitors to the parks are domestic. So, because parks with larger attendance who earn a higher revenue can put big attractions in with amazing theming that our parks couldn't ever compete with, we shouldn't still be able to enjoy moderately to well themed attractions in our own backyard?? Doesn't make sense to me. At the end of the day, our parks are competing mainly for the money of local and domestic visitors, not international.
  2. The riders you saw today were competition winners (I was one of them along with a friend and my family). We were originally meant to ride at around 8:15am to 8:30am, but the ride ops and engineers had not yet been trained to run the ride, it was the manufacturer running it at Screamworld for the comp. winners. We finally got on (got 2 rides each) from about 9:30 to 10. Then when we left the training continued until it finally opened at 2:45. I have to commend the person who stood in line from 10am to 2:45pm waiting for a ride on BuzzSaw after we left. And I just want to add, BuzzSaw is absolutely amazing. I walked in thinking it was going to be shit and I'd hate it, but it has to be my favourite thrill ride in Australia. The whole 'hip bar' thing and the slightly tilted seats make it feel as if you're going to totally fall out on the way up. Had my heart beating faster than ever before. It's definitely a must do. As for BuzzSaw being shut most of the day, have no fear! Staff were giving free water to people who sat there and waited. And, one last note, for the 'opening day' of a ride, the park was awfully empty with the car park only reaching about half capacity.
  3. I noticed in the mazes that there's emergency exits lining all of the outside boundaries with the green signs above. They are hard to spot in Zombie Apocalypse though, being blended in with the mirrors and all.
  4. More than just Outsiders and Parkz now. We just gave our 8 spare tickets away (10 total including myself & Harrison), but now there's Zendorphin (and from what I hear Thrillz and Thrill Zone too soon to come...). It will be like the most ever Australian enthusiasts in one spot. Right? Guess it should be good, everyone with a common interest.
  5. Harrison & I will definitely be there, looking forward to it. It's really good to see VRTP getting in there and running these events.
  6. Dreamworld are now advertising for a new manager for engineering and projects (Bob Tan's former position). Could Mr. Tan be the new CEO? Just a random stab in the dark based on this job opening, and given the fact that he has been there for quite a little while now?
  7. ^ Took the words out of my mouth. What Movie World does is of amazing quality, maybe that's why they don't have as many rides. But if they had more at that quality, I'd be there every weekend instead of Dreamworld.
  8. But the thing is, if the boredom was in between, at least I have something to look forward to. That excitement people have before hoping on Superman or the theming in Scooby Doo. If I'm just bored afterwards, it's just me and my friend going 'What ride do we repeat?'. But Movie World does need a few more key rides. Lethal Weapon is so painful we'd never do it again and Wild West; well it was a very cold day. That leaves only 3 key rides.
  9. ^ I never said it was a bad park. I said I had a bad day and that I got bored quickly and that it was probably because of the short lines. Again, I never said it was a bad park.
  10. Nice report. I do agree with you on some of the stuff, but some stuff I disagree (we can't agree on everything. ). I agree with the comments on Motocoaster and Shockwave, I think almost everyone does. But I used to think the Cyclone was a head banger, too, but after riding Lethal Weapon with the new head pads, I disagree. I thought I was going to die on Lethal Weapon. Also gotta disagree with the food. I think you just got a bad day with the food because I've never had a bad meal there. And compared to the prices of Village parks, it's pretty good. (Burger & chips with no drink at Movie World was $13!). So yeah, it's not necessarily that I disagree with you, but it's that I disagree with you with the comparison to Village parks. I think I got a bad day at Movie World too when I had my first day there for a while. I got bored of Movie World by 1pm, but I know Movie World can be a good park, just the park was empty so I got on all the rides right away (including Superman). I think if you went to Dreamworld on a partially-busy day, it would be different and you wouldn't need those 'filler' rides.
  11. Exactly. I just thought it'd be interesting to note: 1 day to Movie World (adult) is $80 AUD 1 day to Dreamworld is $75 AUD 1 day to DISNEYLAND is $73 AUD 1 day to Magic Mountain is $58 AUD Why would you go to our parks if you're an international tourist? I could go to Disneyland for 1 day, which has more rides, more shows, better themed and longer hours for $7 less than Movie World and $2 less than Dreamworld. But us locals do have the cheap deals now. Imagine the world without them. [/rant#2]
  12. ^Yeah, I know that, but that doesn't mean I agree with/am happy with it. Actually, I'm not too concerned. Just keep hoping for the future. But what say do I get in new rides? None. :S
  13. Good Point. What I don't get is the investment of $16 million in 1996/1997 for TOT 1, and now the small investments of $6 or $7 mill at a time. Like if we go $16 mill then by 4% inflation each year (even more because they could of invested that for interest). Then, 16 x 1.04^15 (15 years). That's almost 29 million $$ invested in today's money on TOTI!! Why don't we see those investments anymore? PS: Sorry if that whole 'today' and 'past' money thing is confusing. Hopefully you get what I mean.
  14. Whilst Buzzsaw isn't the best ride out there, it sure is an eye catcher! Especially due to its placement right next to the car park. While I would of preferred (and sure many others would of) them utilize more space and create an XT450, I do think this will be one of those 'iconic' structures at Dreamworld. I don't know if it will be as big a draw card at TOTII though. I think TOTII drew the large crowds like it did because it was already an iconic ride. Off topic: Dreamworld tower has always been Dreamworld's 'Landmark'. What if something was to go taller than it? And I don't like how Buzzsaw is blocking the view of some of the Dreamworld Tower from some POVs. [/rant].
  15. I'd think general manager of special projects (Bob Tan) would 'suggest' rides to the BOD of Ardent then they'd work off of them? So maybe like 2 or 3 within the budget they give him?
  16. Ahhh, good eyes! Didn't even notice that! I was so excited until your post, Gazza. :S Hahahaha. Oh well. Guess we'll find out soon.
  17. Thanks for the photos. That surely can't be a Skyloop with that layout for the 2 main support structures that have gone vertical?! Possible a launch X-Coaster? Guess time will tell...
  18. I see where you guys are coming from. I'm hoping for the best. And if not, my hopes will get whittled down for the next 2 years of expansions. Doesn't matter though, have passes to both.
  19. Jake, I saw the Motocross show, the Parade and one in Mainstreet with the Ninjas. I also watched Journey to the Centre of the Earth 4D during the day. And did some kiddy rides over in WB kids zone. By 1pm I had done all the 'rides', and the shows don't interest me TOO much, but I watched them because I had nothing better to do (I saw JTTCOTE 4D though because I wanted to see it. ). Motocross was pretty good, not 100% my thing, but still worth the 20 minute watch. Im mainly looking forward to Wet N Wild, but this is really off topic atm.
  20. I think that Movie World do need a few more 'big' attractions, and that this ONE won't do it, so I'm hoping that there's more. Before I go on, I'll admit, I'm a bit bias towards Dreamworld, but just wanna put out there that I went to MW for the first time in 2-3 years yesterday, and me and my friend, we got bored by about 1pm. By then, we'd finished every ride and done Scooby a few times. The supervisors & guests services ladies were amazingly nice, wish I could say the same for the general ride ops/food & bev. I did love the theming on most rides though. Now that that's out of the way, I want to know why is everyone so excited for this ride? From the video that themeparkgc posted, it just looks like a compacted version of Scooby? And then people are all excited for it because it's new and innovative? But everyone was disappointed for the new ride at Dreamworld, even when that's new and something different? Im not trying to make an excuse for Dreamworld if they are just getting a Skyloop (which they may/may not be), but neither park has gone 'all out' but it seems that everyone's happy with whatever Movie World chucks in. I'm guessing many here are former VRTP employees by the sounds of it? Obviously it's not confirmed that it's a Skyloop at Dreamworld, so it could be a launch X-Coaster or an Extended Skyloop for all we know, but everyone's still committed on saying that Dreamworld should be scared. Guess at the end of the day it all comes down to whichever parks have the best marketing team at the time.
  21. ^Nah, we actually never said that date to anyone because it's a rumor. And if you read other posts on this thread, you'd see it wasn't us.
  22. ^ I didn't make that post (Pretty sure it was DJ), but I think he based it off of knowledge from chatting with others + Some rumors which have been going around. We're making sure people are still aware that until confirmed by a park, it is a rumor.
  23. A picture paints a thousand words... or in this case, a non-existing contract (possibly). The rumor mill is saying December 26th will be the launch of the newly themed area.
  24. "You have reached your quota for positive votes for today". Sorry Slick.... I didn't hate the ad that much though, I think somewhat it needs to be how it is because this ride is more kids/family and they're probably somewhat aiming at pester power. The Thrill Ride will be more of that seen for TOTII to entice the thrill seekers/teens/adults.
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