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Baconjack last won the day on June 21 2024

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    Theme parks, retro games and classic rock

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    DC Rivals Hypercoaster

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  1. Having been to SNW in Japan yes those stairs get obscenely crowded. I was shocked at the land's layout having gone in pretty much blind, it is so poorly optimised for the crowds USJ gets. The stairs were packed basically all the time and my timed entry was a couple of hours before close. Could barely move in there. I'd imagine it would be even worse with Donkey Kong open. That said Singapore gets nowhere near the amount of patrons that USJ gets I think the stairs won't be too much of an issue in that iteration. As for Harry Potter, the park is landlocked and Hogsmeade takes up a lot of room. Would be very very hard to fit it in that tiny park without coming at the expense of the ride count.
  2. If doomsday was coming back it wouldn’t have been deleted off the website or park map. The rides wires have also been chopped up into little bits rather than you know unplugged I think it’s safe to say it’s not going anywhere
  3. Village came very very close to building one instead of Oz so never say never. They might revisit that once an opportunity arises to replace a major down at DC comics corner.
  4. At least data seems to back up my observation from 1 visit. At least when I lined up for enchanted tale of beauty and the beast there were things to look at throughout while rivals has pretty much nothing. People at village most likely read these forums and have engaged with us in the past. At this point dreamworld will need to get back to 2014-2015 crowds (which is going to take a while) in order for anything to change
  5. Not sure how you’d miss “All loose items including anything in your pockets should have been left with a friend or in the lockers at the entrance” being blasted at ear piercing volume every 2 minutes but you do you I guess
  6. At movie world yes they do it’s not even a contest. I’d argue at the busiest of times it’s even worse than the likes of Disneysea/usj but you are correct it’s because the operations are painfully slow. It’s a bigger sample size sure but I’ve seen longer lines for rivals than the wait times I experienced for journey to the centre of the earth (which was the busiest thing there on my visit and the lines were no longer than 2 and a quarter hours throughout the day). Thankfully rivals has the single rider line and I can dodge it for the most part. There are cameras everywhere in an indoor queue id say its pretty easy to get caught pissing in a water fountain, and you’d get the kick instantly for it.
  7. Move vortex provided it has a better cycle programmed Otherwise I’d like to see a Gerstlauer sky roller (think tail spin but attached to a tower). You could make it pretty tall if you wanted to Would love to see a screaming swing at movie world but as I’ve said before highly doubt village buys anything from S&S given how Green Lantern has turned out
  8. The ride is new so teething issues are an expectation (ie: leviathan) But seems very strange considering this is the time of year the second trains for superman and rivals get removed from service typically
  9. Start of February is historically the time of year where everything stops running at full capacity until next summer I must say it’s pretty silly to buy a dueling family boomerang and only run both sides for just over a month every year if they’re operating on this schedule What happens in future? Assuming that the control systems for the rides are independent of each other, excluding a repaint this ride could have very short maintenance periods as one side could be worked on while the other is still running?
  10. Does rivertown have shade and places for someone to have a sit down at? Much easier to call WOZ incomplete when village decided it was a good idea to open the land with sections of queue in complete exposure to the sun without fans or shade and with nowhere to sit down after lining up over an hour for 1 ride Theming is theming but it’s mind boggling Village thought guests would be fine in a slow moving queue exposed to the Queensland heat with nothing to cool them off. How does that pass OH&S? To be quite frank they’re very lucky no one needed an ambulance called. Cut village some slack they didn’t even acknowledge the existence of DC rivals until it nearly finished construction They’re still trying to get to the “Let’s announce an opening date to get people excited for our new ride” stage of being a world class theme park business
  11. Not privy to what goes on now but I heavily doubt village roadshow would ever buy anything from S&S given how green lantern has turned out Not only the trains have a long list of design flaws but they nearly killed people as well, id say they would have blacklisted them for any major capex projects after that happened
  12. By all accounts the one at Busch gardens is very unreliable They might have improved on the tech since then and it’s definitely very cool but replacing a lemon with another is not what we want If I remember right Dreamworld decided against a conversion of giant drop because it was too intimidating so that might be a factor too
  13. If that were true (which i wouldn’t know anything about) Intamin sell a bunch of drop towers and a small collection of flat rides (only 2 or 3 rides they design themselves). Thats it. They don’t have many choices Drop tower? They already have batwing so no tourbillon? Made by the same guys as doomsday (ABC) and are also lemons so you can rule that out if Village do their homework Gyro swing? There’s one up the road that it will inevitably be compared to By the process of elimination we can welcome back the sea world pirate ship
  14. It is also much easier to sell offshore given the vast majority of parks here already have a pendulum ride themselves and absolutely zero chance Village Roadshow purchases a ride second hand.
  15. Doomsday's individual page has now been deleted off the park website and the ride has been taken off the maintenance schedule, however is still on the map and appears on the attractions page Again surely an announcement comes soon. The ride is gone and whatever replaces it i'd imagine would be during 2026 at the very earliest (given its wet n wild's turn for capex this year and the area has re opened to public access without any substantial demolition work taking place). Surely they would have had time to prepare for a replacement given it was a lemon, right?
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