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Everything posted by Baconjack

  1. Oh no I definitely don't have any qualms with using IP - given what MW is, it has to, and given that superheroes are a money printer as they are at the moment, it makes sense why nearly every MW addition in the last 10 years has used the license and I'm definitely more sympathetic to Village's use of DC than most for that reason. But you compare the likes of Doomsday to Batman Adventure, or Green Lantern to Superman - there's no point in arguing the difference in quality and standards between those attractions. If anything Village need to be using that IP to create something far more intricate than what they have done in the last 10 years, a lot of those fisher era rides share that lazy six flags grade presentation.
  2. But isn't this the direction they have already gone in? When Fisher was around this is exactly what Village was doing at MW, milking the DC license to put in thrill rides with a minimal theme (Green Lantern, Doomsday and Rivals), and I'd be willing to bet that's what they will be doing when Arkham is replaced in a couple of years. The last true 'themed ride' they put in was Justice League and that was nearly 10 years ago. Village has positioned SW as a family park (which it always has been, of course, but it definitely is compared to what is up the road) while positioning MW as the park with all the big roller coasters. No point trying to mix both demographics in both parks when you can just sell them as separate ticketed experiences and make more money.
  3. Thanks for the review mate! Night rides on BD are pretty good too can confirm, i think i had about 23 rides on it all up today lol, although there was a bit of a nasty rattle in the rows further back that might spoil the experience for some. Having never visited the park since it re-opened (or any time in the last 5 years for that matter), it was my first time on all the new rides today as well. Thought that Boomerang was a fun little family coaster. Unfortunately Sledgehammer's cycle I found to be very short and very disappointing with its ability to only go 240 degrees, and Maloney's Corner has a very strong "the park ran out of money" vibe.
  4. Dispatches were pretty fast which I guess is needed given the low capacity of the ride, but one train would stack on the brake run for a little while. 2 trains were run for the first couple hours but one of them was pulled off for a wheel assembly problem so it’s been running on one train since then
  5. I didn’t say that lmao, I said it was near it in terms of the quality of domestic coasters and have always said it was inferior Some people are lacking reading comprehension in the thread
  6. I reckon that’s a little bit harsh considering Gold Coaster is a glorified family coaster, MDMC is boring and awful, green lantern is a “just there” coaster and jet rescue is fine if a tad under rated. It does quite a lot for a coaster that is otherwise not that fast and not that tall. Nothing beats rivals but this is far closer to that then it is to those four
  7. Nah maybe 1-2 cycles at most. I suppose people don’t want to get covid. Though it should be busier at night
  8. Alright I’ve ridden this a few times so I thought i might put up a cheeky review. Big Dipper is a pretty decent and forceful little ride. The presentation overall is a little weak other than the murals at the tower it’s pretty much just generic construction fencing with photos of the coaster on them, and event barrier fencing in the queue. On the ride itself the restraints are very comfortable. The first launch and the section between that and the 2nd launch is a little meandering and slow but the 2nd launch definitely has a bit of a kick to it, like the 2nd launch on jet rescue. The non inverting loop is quite forceful as is the sidewinder although there definitely is a bit of a rattle on these elements. The airtime hill is fine, it’s not as good as the last few hills on Rivals but offers some OK ejector. Finally the curve and corkscrew is very forceful, although a bit rattly. It’s definitely a coaster that takes a bit of warming up and is quite fast when fully warmed up - although it’s a bit rough, which I feel is something that you have to expect with coasters in our climate and is fine as long as you ride a bit defensively. Overall it’s a good coaster but I don’t think it’s better than Rivals. I don’t think it will be better than Taipan either.
  9. Yeah there's a few concerning potholes on that POV for sure
  10. Yeah it does look like it, but it seems to be the same photo over and over. Honestly it looks a tad tacky (especially in comparison to the murals and signage in the big dipper facade) and some minimal queue fencing would have been nice in that queue (such as the red they have in the exit) although I see why LPS wants to prevent an idiot from walking into the ride envelope
  11. Yeah I thought that was the case, because from what I remember, Ranger was bought by a showman to be used as parts for renovating a Rainbow, as the parts between the models are largely cross-compatible. Whether or not that amounts to anything I suppose will be seen on the show circuit next year.
  12. Shame we never got to see a Schwarzkopf looping coaster in Australia. I rode Olympia looping when it was in London several years back and it was a great ride!
  13. That corner of the park has been neglected for ages, only rocky hollow being removed, ST getting built and the new paths completed has made it look anywhere near acceptable these days. And for GD, well there’s every other ride at DW and then there’s GD. Even in 2014 that “theming” was decrepit nonsense. I would hate to see what it looks like now, I even cringe looking at the Calibri text on the ride gondola that has been haphazardly placed there
  14. I would prefer for DW to move on from this theme. It is like arguing to bring back Gold Rush. A Great Barrier Reef themed shoot the chutes (Jurassic Park style) would be pretty cool and fit with the direction that DW have taken theme wise with ST and Voyager. Could be presented as a boat tour of the reef. I would love DW to even go with a Dreamtime story as a theme - an attraction themed to the Rainbow Serpent story would be very unique, maybe a dark ride or a flume. Totally different to what you see at Village
  15. To be fair, most European countries and America had a completely different attitude to travelling overseas when compared to ours. We aren't called Fortress Australia for nothing lol
  16. I understand that re doing ABC isn't going to keep some people coming back but a Bluey dark ride in the Big Red Car building would be a slam dunk. DW don't take advantage of the ABC license given that show is extremely popular and has literally nothing in the land. I do think that a shoot the chutes themed to the Great Barrier Reef (think Jurassic Park but with ocean animals) would be really cool and very unique, or a dark ride/drop track coaster themed to the Rainbow Serpent. Either of those will go in what's been freed up by Log Ride and should provide a lot of impact.
  17. It would be nice to see a vehicle from the second Big Dipper as well but the shells for the Cyclone were binned when replaced a few years back so it's very much wishful thinking on my part. Now if only they could turn that attention to what's at Maloney's Corner. The presentation for what I've seen so far for Big Dipper versus literally everything else is night and day. I was at the park yesterday and yep Boxing Day is still the plan at this stage. Given that people have ridden the coaster I would say that it should be ready for then.
  18. Pacing looks a lot faster than the testing I saw last week for some reason
  20. I would, even more so than DCR backwards! We don't have a modern spinning coaster here so I definitely see the appeal of it, plus I've heard good things about coasters like Ride to Happiness to justify spending the $25 on it!
  21. Can confirm the track roar is very limited especially when compared to its predecessor, from what I've seen during tests. Must have put sand in the track to dampen the noise presumably. Tire launch is very quiet as well. You'd think nothing would go wrong but residents that are opposed to LPS operating as a theme park entity will prove otherwise, but that won't amount to much anyway
  22. On a positive note, at least decals have been applied to the facade in front of the BD station to make it look somewhat authentic and faithful to the intricate facade that it sits next to. Almost serves as a juxtaposition to what sits at Maloney's Corner at present, a bunch of flats plonked on a parking lot with hardly any presentation work done whatsoever. The banner is an embarrassment but people have joked about it to death at this point. Even the cheap new screen printed signs at MW look better.
  23. Isn't this just pretty much identical logic that anti vax use to justify why they don't take other vaccines?
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