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About AlanSmithee

  • Birthday 17/12/1986

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    Gold Coast

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  1. The stuff at the top of the wall isn't real, just a photo of bricks for show. Its like that at all Lego stores I have visited. We went at about 1 pm yesterday, missed most of the line only waited 20 mins opposed to the 2.5 hours people were waiting earlier. Missed out on the free gift too. I did get the Disney Castle, bit shocked to pay a .7% Credit Card fee, must be a Dreamworld thing? I know it was a licenced store but still was hoping to earn Lego VIP points. Apart from from the Pick A Brick wall there isn't much of an advantage over shopping on the Lego website.
  2. My partner an I will be renewing our passes so we can go to this, as we are going to New Orleans in August. But between this, Fright Nights and less so White Christmas, they look to be events heavily borrowed from Universal, would be nice to see them try something new and orginal.
  3. I thought it was odd that they were doing all the soft opening stuff during school holidays and not before. They said when we got on the ride to provide feedback when we leave, we told them as we exited what was going wrong and the guys there really didn't seem interested.
  4. We went the first night with our free ticket from our VIP passes. Little disappointed to be honest. I thought they capped the amount of people that can get in, there was more people there than I think I have even seem at movie world. We got the beverage and burger specials from the website, the cup was an Outback spectacular flashing cup which was a bit sad, the burger was tiny, which I guess was normal for a $8 theme park meal, I just imagined being a "special" it would be a little more value for money. The stunt show was boring, people danced they drove around in circles and people came out to attack, hilarity ensured and then suddenly it ended. Saying that, the theming and everything was pretty good.
  5. Yeap that was us, I was going on about it for most of the line up, Yeah, the story was too quiet, couldn't hear anything, it was all too muffled.....everyone in our car didn't even know what we were shooting at until we saw heaps of spores.
  6. I find it funny that they say a $200 Million park could rival Disney, when they have just installed a ride at California Adventure for that same cost.
  7. I think you were standing in front of my girlfriend and I for awhile Gazza. We thought it was really good...until we got half way through and it stopped and all the screens went blank and the guns stopped working.
  8. A ride with an additional charge would be a bad idea, but I like your thinking, the MIB or BL rides are some awesome rides for any age group even though you get no prizes. How about something like Spiderman and the new transformers ride, a similar concept but with the shooting you could keep it along the same theming and story as now but heavily update it.
  9. I would love nothing more for a Disney theme park to open here right now, what ever come of those rumors a couple of years back? However Shangai is the big D's focus at the moment and you could amost see the Middle East popping up on their radar soon after that, as all parks want to get in over there. Universal would be cool, but it would be as discussed if Movie World were to get an overhaul. Last time I was there with VIP passes I was there for about 2 hours, the park feels 20 years old and in a bad way. If a big group were to open up a park here it would be good to see something different, the Disneylands are sort of similar, the alot of the Universal's really similar to the Florida park. The overseas visitors aren't going to flock here if the parks are similar to what they have at home.
  10. I hope the refresh the ToT Merch range, the T shirt looks to be the same design from when it opened, looks very dated.
  11. Drove past it this morning, from the highway at least it looks as if all 4 slides are in place.
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