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Dano46610 last won the day on December 25 2019

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  1. Where is your reliable source @themagician
  2. I don't think so. Village have spent way too much money in Seaworld. They can't afford wet N wild Provide the reliable source @themagician
  3. Boost Juice should move into the sky Voyager store now.
  4. Not sure why Dreamworld went with a blue fire clone just watched this video and it sounds crap
  5. Geh the complaints coming through that the Ferris wheel is so hot firing summer needs air conditioning
  6. @AlexB rivals is a new coaster on the other hand Arkham is most likely deteriatiating rapidly and I personally think it's not worth spending anymore money on for its time it has left. Maybe announce a final ride on it though.
  7. @AlexB it's a coaster that's getting old. Of course I wouldn't consider bulldozing Rivals
  8. If it's costing heaps on maintainance I would just bulldoze the thing now.
  9. I thought originally that we were meant to get a long one like Poseidon but it was meant to be located in the SeaWorld Carpark .
  10. Anyone have a picture of storm coasters extended queue my mate is asking? Cheers
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