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Parkz Crew
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Everything posted by Brad2912

  1. as much as we'd all love to see a Giga or the like, as many have mentioned they just dont have the vacant land to build such a ride. I think we'll be looking at a non-coaster to be honest. If that is the case though, what type of ride could it be? They have decent 'non coaster' thrill rides with WipeOut and Claw - what are the alternatives if they dont go with a coaster?? They couldnt be too similar to the existing rides so what ideas are left? The only way i could see a large coaster being part of the plans would be if it was a higher coaster that travelled over areas of the park, but that would throw up a whole heap of safety concerns, no to mention be a nightmare to construct with the park open
  2. How do we get an invite to the Press Night??
  3. From the Daily Telegraph Website NSW Premier Kristina Keneally is attending the announcement of a new $80 million water theme park being built in Sydney's west. Village Roadshow Theme Parks, which has charge of the attraction on a 25ha site near the M4 at Reservoir Road in Prospect, says it will attract 900,000 visitors a year and create 300 jobs. It expects the attraction will open in 2013. Ms Keneally was expected to give more details at a press conference later today
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