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Everything posted by AheadMatthewawsome

  1. (one more photo for above) (apparently Parkz doesn't like me to edit stuff 30 minutes after posting) (I'm doing this in real time!) (AND AGAIN!)
  2. Hi everyone! Here is another update to the construction at LPS! The first bits of Big Dipper have been assembled. And the first section of rail has arrived! Holes and foundations have been dug in the Backstage! Shh! Enjoy some trees. Backstage is a myth! Cloud 9 has also started testing, with the ride now completed. There was a work zone put in place next to the office of LPS at Glen Street for just May 18th. If anybody was there on that day know what it was for. Please PM me! A chain fence has been added around Boomerang for devesive architecture purposes. All the other stuff above are still ongoing. And should be done soon! Next update will be whenever I get there!
  3. Hi everyone! This is another update to the construction. Testing has begun for Boomerang! They're using these water jug dummy's as passengers. They made this undercover area where the ride operator shall be.T The top of Loopy Lighthouse has been removed. With the seats put in. SS 01 has been put with the rest of Silly Sub. It works basically as a mini Body Rock. Sledgehammer has had it's seats put in. Same with the Gyro Swing. Big Dippers support beams are now being delivered to begin construction on the ride. The top part of Cloud 9 is being put in. And more demountables are being put in. You can see these buildings as apart of the concept art. Next update will be whenever I get there!
  4. You really deserve more than 0 reputation. Would you like some more?
  5. Hi there all! Here's another update to the construction! Loopy Lighthouse is being assembled, and will be done soon! It reminds me a lot of the old Lighthouse that was where the Helter Skelter is now. The last ride, Silly Sub has arrived! And will start assembling soon. Be prepared to go on S.S 01 (Or S.S OI)! A new ramp is being assembled for the disabled into Luna Land. We'll see some miclilanious items coming in now (aka Scenery). The ride vehicles for Boomerang have been unrapped. The colours are really bright. And very appropriate for the Gadigal People who used to live where LPS stands. The shed that was mentioned on the plans has now been assembled in between Boomerang. Some steel poles have been put around Big Dipper. Some of them are organised. So these may be used for the Big Dipper. Before I go, don't forget to check out the Gnome on Glen Street. You're supposed to pat him anywhere. Litterly, ANYWHERE! For good luck. I usually pat him on the top of his hat and cute little nose. He also likes the ANZACs. Next update will be whenever I get there!
  6. Good Morning everyone. And welcome to another exciting update of the construction. On Tuesday, I was looking from the Harbour Bridge on the train home, and I went. Oh goodie! A ride that will make me throw up! And that's the Sledgehammer... When I came back today, the poles that were there last week are now assembled. All that's left is the seats, and the loading platform. They've been replacing the boardwalk from Coney Island to Luna Land. This is in preparation for the new gate and sign. Which also looks a bit cartoony. That seems to be the coherent theme of this area. Because of the spot that Luna Land is. It's easier to change the theming. This can be seen in lots of parks around the globe! There have been no other rides put in other than Sledgehammer. They are doing some last jobs on Cloud 9 and Freaky Frog. And are gonna start testing Boomerang. Little Nippers is done. If you are wondering where these photos are taken at. The close up photos are taken at the Boardwalk and Peter Kingston Walkway. The 'Railway View' is taken on Cliff Street. The 'God's Eye View' is taken at the LPS Office on Glen Street. And views of the Big Dipper and over Coney Island are taken from Harry's Park on Glen Street. (Named after Harry Sidler.) That's all for today! Next update will be whenever I get there!
  7. They installed the logo a few weeks ago. So I was expecting for it to look like a Barbie Logo. Nothing too bad about that. I agree. The words looks a bit underwhelming. But when you sound it. It's too overwhelming! It's something that someone probably will change in the future. Everyone will probably call it "the Bug".
  8. I had a check. And it's defiantly not them testing. The vehicles were still wrapped up this morning. I think it's the shadows of the catwalk. But that was very hard to determine because I got to the limit of the pixels. But, the support poles for Sledgehammer arrived. And assembling of Sledgehammer will start this week! There will also be a half spin mode to allow people in the Green Category to go on with an Adult.
  9. The max speed of the Big Dipper III is 72 km/h. Big Dipper II went up to 84 km/h. And Big Dipper I went up to 93km/h. Big Dipper I was 16m high. Big Dipper II was 41m high. All that I know about the height of Big Dipper III is that it's all within the strict height, noise, and light restrictions. And will probably be around the height your saying. Around the 28m height. While I'm here: Rockin Tug is definately staying. It was given from Joylands in return for the HUSS rides. I can confirm all the Height Restrictions for the new rides. The Yellow Catargory now starts at 132cm. Anybody 130 and 131cm are now including in the Green Category. All of the new rides will accept anybody from the Yellow Catargory. There are no more max heights! Green Catargory will now be accepted on all of the new rides except for the Big Dipper. Red Catargory will now be accepted on the following new rides: The Bug, Cloud 9, and Freaky Frogs. This, and more information on Annual Passes, Luna Perks and more are now available on the Luna Park Website: https://www.lunaparksydney.com/rides-games Before I go, I want you to check out another video from Yyosh (I know I've mentioned him before, but his 2 videos ever are amazing!). It's LPS shortly after it originally opened in 1935 in living motion! Here it is:
  10. Good Morning Everyone! I'm here to give you an exciting update to the construction at LPS! We have 69 more days left until opening! Interesting... 1st: I wish to apologize for the lack of updates lately. I've been having to take my Mental Heath as more of a priority lately. Thanks to all for taking over this in the meantime! 2nd: Boomerang's tracks, poles, and station is compleated. They are putting in the ride vehicles as we speak! 3rd: Freaky Frog and Cloud 9 have been assembled. There are still some more items to assemble, like the platform. 4th: I don't think anybody's noticed. But there is a toilet block on the plans. So we should see some cinderblocks next to the Big Dipper soon. And 5th: You are now able to see Luna Land from the Harbour Bridge, on the Ferry, in the city. And from basically everywhere near Lavender Bay. This photo was of the top of the Boomerang was taken from Harry's Park, and on a Ferry. Next update will be whenever I get there!
  11. Again... I ran out of space. So I had one from earlier last week. If you have a look, the little pool is empty. While there was a hose to suck up all the water. If you want me to right now leave what I'm doing right now and take some photos to prove my point. I would be glad!
  12. That was from last week. And you can also see the splash pool pretty much empty. There's more than just LPS photos on there. There's also some other which would be considered historical sometime soon. But I can transfer them onto my PC.
  13. Hi there all! Wanna give you all a update (with no photos because I ran out of space). 1st: All the track has been assembled for Little Nippers. All that's left to do is put in the back wall, and the station building. 2nd: As you can see in the only photo before I ran out of space. All the water at the Olympic Pool has disappeared, except for a few splashs left. 3rd: I noticed on the plans if you look very closely, you can see the name for Loopy Lighthouse. It seems like that most of the names were planned back in September-October ish. Or even earlier! Sorry for the lack of photos, and the next update will be whenever I get there! P.S If they do have a continually moving station. They will have to stop occasionally for people who can't rush. Like the Sky Safari at Taronga Zoo.
  14. Hi there all! Wanna give a small update to what's happening! More work is being done to assemble Little Nippers today. With works expected to be completed sometime next week. There is no signs of any other rides being assembled. Probably the next ride will be assembled when Little Nippers is done. In other news, the neighbour to LPS. The North Sydney Olympic Pool closed on Sunday (28/02/21) until late 2022. Construction has already started to rip most of the old infrastructure, while keeping the heritage. I'll also be doing updates on them too if you like! 😉 And maintenance works and checks on the rides are also happening today. Next update will be whenever I get there!
  15. One last thing! Here is a better view of the construction update mentioned above me in "God's Eye View". Took this just before going home.
  16. Hi there all! I've got some exciting news! The tracks for Little Nippers is now out and is about to be assembled! We should see more items for the ride added next week! There have also been numerous other items for millicianous purposes. Including 2 tall dirillers. They are about how high Boomerang and Big Dipper should be. Next update will be whenever I get there!
  17. OMG! I LOVE PEOPLE DYING ON THE GHOST TRAIN 👻 😍 🔥! Do you think that people love the Ghost Train Fire? I know that I'm over reacting.. But seriously, do people act like that? If so, I'll reveal that I'm a reptilian! Oh....... s..... *reptlian noises* t.....
  18. What's been happening a few times before is that ride operators have been testing the rides and doing basic checks to make sure everything's going fine with the rides. This time it's been that Maintenance are doing more in depth inspections and maintenance. I have some more photos of this happening that I decided to leave out until now.
  19. Hi there all! Wanna give you an update to the construction! Sorry that it's been a little while since my last post. I've needed to have a break because of some mental health issues that I've been having. Anyways.... The Fence to enter Maloney's Corner is now being removed as I speak! For the new Luna Land entrance. The Foundations and Shed are now confirmed to have been removed from Tumble Bug. No other construction has started on Big Dipper. You can see a Cement Truck leaving LPS after starting the foundations for rides like Little Nippers. And you can also see the Maintenance Team fixing up ride s like the Ferris Wheel, Crystal Palace, and the Wild Mouse! Have a look at this photo from a week and a half ago and look at the difference to Maloney's Corner! Next update will be whenever I get there! (P.S Yes, I'm a bit disappointed that they didn't use Switchback (my proposed name that I did send) for the now named Boomerang...)
  20. No, it's not a no. I just wanted to know which part of the information that you wanted to use in a slightly comedic way.
  21. 🤔🤔🤔 Which kind??? 🤔🤔🤔 These are my thinking guards. DON'T TOUCH THEM!
  22. Hi there all! Just wanna give you another update on the construction! Billy and Andrew were up there to greet me. Not even planned! Demolition of the foundations of Tumble Bug, and of the shed has now begun. The foundations and electrical is now being built as we speak! Lipman have also added DANGER, UNAUTHORISED PERSONS PROHIBITED signs. And more of the same Lipman logo signs near Coney Island. It makes the photos blur basically. And the first ride should be in about 2 weeks time. LPS and Lipman have had a chat with each other to make sure that what happened last time won't happen again. Next update will be whenever I get there! (P.S Coasterlife, 1 week isn't good enough! XD!)
  23. I've always have had this question fueling in my mind. Personally, I think that probably another incident. Maybe even worse would have happened. But, let's pretend that there was NO INCIDENTS AND THERE NEVER WAS! I think Wonderland would of never been built because it was because of the void of LPS that got Wonderland going in the first place. 7 people would still be around today. A family would not be in smithereens. Probably the owners would of either tried to knock down the park like they tried to do in the early 70s. It may of been successful. But I think that if it stayed. The Big Dipper, the Ghost Train, and the River Caves would have also became heritage listed. I don't think that Maloney's Corner, and Lavender Green would exist in this world. And lots of rides around the front of the park and where the Wild Mouse is today would move around. It would look more like Luna Park Melbourne now basically. But what do you think? And also I want you all to check out this video uploaded by Yyosh. It's about Clive James going into a empty and abandond LPS in 1991 during a storm. It's great, and I think you should watch it too!
  25. Hi there all! I want to give you all a... interesting update to the construction. First, lots of signs for Lipman have been created around the park. Second, some trees that have been cut down and rubble from the digging have been piled up into a skip bin at Maloney's Corner. Third, a digital closed and countdown sign have been added to the Face. Fourth, parts of the platform outside of Coney Island have been torn down. And Fifth and most interesting. You can see a man in a cherry picker in one of the photos. Just after I took it, he said. "OI, OI, OI! DON'T TAKE PHOTOS! LET ME TAKE ONE OF YOU!" And then poked the middle finger at me. And then he said, "**** YOU FOR TAKING PHOTOS! **** YOU, **** YOU, **** YOU!" And continued pointing the middle finger. I was frozen, then started crying. And when I tried to go back. He kept doing it and started to look like he was about to become physical. It's even more of a problem because people like him cause me to have flashbacks from bullies who were much, much, much worse than him. But they still did that as well. THIS GUY IS NOT A LPS STAFF MEMBER! He works with Lipman. And lots of Tradies do act like this. Not all of them. But some of them. Luckily, thanks to Billy, Natillie, and a nice Truck Driver. They were able to help me and deal with the situation. And they've reassured me that it's fine to continue these construction updates. So I'm very thankful to the LPS Staff. Kanga Bounce seems like a good idea for a ride in the future actually! hmm... kanga goes boing boing... (repeat infinite times) Next update (hopefully not so dramatic) will be there when I get there. (Coasterlife, weekdays rule for me. weekends are your weekdays for me. HA!)
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