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Ogre last won the day on February 8

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  1. I did a double take when I heard Chiapas music from Phantasialand playing 😅
  2. Wasn't expecting that! Those rides look crazy. Not the best choice for sure if it does happen, but I kind of want them to do it anyway so I can finally see one in action lol
  3. Maybe it's linked with the event the Theme Park Cartel held at Aussie World the same day? I know they had a Q&A with the park planned so maybe it was confirmed there?
  4. Bats have just been added to the ceiling for this section!
  5. Went to the final White Christmas last night and Oz indeed wasn't open. It was heart wrenching seeing families walk excitingly to the land and then stop and groan at the gate \ The Emerald Palace has neon looking lights and looks really good, better in person (at least from what I could see of it haha) I'm pretty sure guests do their own seatbelts on TNT It's crazy they don't have this play when FOTWW dispatches
  6. I don't think it was announced, but the concept art the park posted does suggest a similar station to Leviathan's. Coaster Studios were also told by Village (when they visited last year) that WoZ would have the "same theming standard as Leviathan".
  7. It sadly just closed for the day when I arrived there, but the staff were nice enough to let us look around the restaurant! It looks REALLY good. There's theming everywhere, nods to Dreamworld's past everywhere (including posters for both Tower of Terror and Wipeout) and has its own theme song that plays. The entrance sign to Koala Country is in there, and one of the old Giant Drop Mammoth Skulls. It's Disney level.
  8. I'd have to agree that the land is sadly pretty mixed, leading towards the negative. I love the initial themed indoor queues for both coasters, but after that... oh dear.
  9. Jungle Rush soft opened again this afternoon, and I got another ride on it! They've actually added a lot in the few days! There's even more theming and audio in the queue and station, and they've added more theming to the turntable room. It's also a lot darker now too, which was a big complaint I had the other day. Also did Murrissippi Motors, which was a lot of fun.
  10. It's a hit overall. Not as themed (yet anyway, it's a soft opening) as the dark ride scenes in Scooby or Superman, but as a show scene it works very very well. The audio in there is crazy, loud and adds a lot to the atmosphere.
  11. It's a soft opening. I'm pretty sure both will be running on opening day
  12. It's currently doing the same layout, starting forwards or backwards, with the next cycle being the opposite. The train switches directions on the turntable. It's hard to put into words but the queue's amazing. All practical, no screens whatsoever. No animatronics. The station is less impressive, but still the best at Dreamworld by default. I'm editing my footage now for a video! The turntable room is basically a Roller Coaster version of this effect from the Disneyland Indiana Jones Ride. I don't think the effects were complete yet, but the theming and audio in there was awesome. The rest of Rivertown was also fantastic. Murrissippi Motors looks great! There's some awesome audio effects and theming in the turntable room, but the other indoor scenes were quite bright and not hugely themed. May be a soft opening thing. I didn't notice anything about the queue AC to be honest haha, but the turntable room wasn't hot like some people were worrying.
  13. I've heard from a few people they're aiming for Friday, with a possible soft opening before hand. Also, the models have been uncovered!
  14. I got two rides on it! It's great, very smooth, very unique and the indoor queue is the best in the country by far. Think Leviathan's station, but it's the whole queue. No screens!
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