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  1. Luna Parks Insta mentions three coasters for NYE so it seems either Big Dipper or wild mouse is delayed until next year
  2. Tbh the single rail track isn’t what you think of when “roller coaster” is mentioned. Probably would’ve made more sense to have a track like Boomerang on there instead, at least it’d look more genuine.
  3. Still hoping they refurbish Vikings Revenge, it's the family ride with a bit of a thrill that the park could really use for it's lineup and of course it'd be a lot cheaper to fix up Vikings Revenge than to demolish and put in a new ride.
  4. Something I've been pondering is the way that wooden wild mouse coasters are able to stay on the tracks utilising the centre steel track. I've heard theres a steel wheel of sorts on the bottom that keeps it on the track, but is this the only thing keeping those little cars from flying off? I've tried to look for blueprints as I'm genuinely curious at if there is like an extra fail-safe under wheel or something on these old rides. Wondering if anyone on these forums would know a bit about the design or have any pictures of the underside of a wild mouse car?
  5. Clearly you haven't experienced the thrill of being on a 60 year old rickety wooden coaster with unbanked turns and wheels lifting off the track! Not to mention if you get rid of one of the most popular rides at the park with a lot of nostalgic memories you will have a heap of disgruntled customers. Also being the last one of it's kind in the world, I reckon it's pretty deserving of the heritage protection.
  6. Another log flume or an all out water coaster who cares as long as Dreamworld just gets some more decent rides to make up for all the good ones they scrapped
  7. Certainly hope they bring it back and revive it, an iconic ride and one of the originals. Perfect for a family ride with a bit of thrill to it!
  8. Kind of out of the blue but couldn't help in having a look around for some more info on the proposed "Sydney's Wonderland", it seems to be in a completely stagnant stage and honestly with some of the rubbish concept art they've put forward, crappy websites and a lack of information, I doubt it's going to happen SOON. I did email Ammar last year, seems like a nice enough bloke, but he seemed to imply it will not be happening for a while, and as @DaptoFunlandGuysaid, it looks like that billion dollar funding may be long gone. He mentioned going on a new way forward and that the project is still active. I don't doubt he's still trying to push ahead with the plans, and I still think it will happen, but unfortunately it looks like a fair wait before anything concrete comes along if a new western Sydney theme park comes about. Ah well, maybe we'll be talking about this in another four years, on the bright side though Luna Park opens back up in two months so we've got that to look forward to down here in Sydney.
  9. Cyclone looks brilliant with the new paint job, looks like a brand new ride and it's much more fitting with the WWW theming, makes it blend in so much more. Hopefully they've done up the track a bit so it's a more comfortable ride experience, haven't been to Dreamworld since 2014 but by what people have said it sounds like it's getting shaky in its more recent years.
  10. Ardent Leisure is already being crippled by debt. Chances are Dreamworld is going to be sold, hopefully someone who actually knows and cares about the industry will buy it up and Dreamworld can finally be back to the theme park it was in it's heyday. Ardent Leisure has done horribly as their stock prices continue to plummet.
  11. A revamp of vikings revenge and bringing the theatre back into the public eye would be a much cheaper alternative to a complete demolition and replacement. It would open up 2 new attractions for a fraction of the cost of a new ride and will still retain one of SeaWorld's oldest and significant rides (that being Viking's revenge of course).
  12. @Bikash Randhawa Since the closure of the main white Wet N Wild free-fall slides which was a real shame, there's that massive gap. Perhaps we could be seeing the tallest water slide in the Southern Hemisphere sometime in the future? It'd be a good promo for WNW, just a suggestion.
  13. Any one have any updates on the paint job? I heard they stopped for a while.
  14. The Sea World monorail is one of your star attractions, even though it is a bit old, people love it! I really hope you choose to keep it in the park, it'll definitely be worth it. (and if we're on the topic of rides... Vikings Revenge flume, will we ever see her sail again?)
  15. Honestly think it's a bad idea to get rid of the Splash Out slides, they're a key part of the park and extremely popular, were pretty much the first part of Jamberoo becoming the water-park it is today and the ride is suitable for all ages. It would be much better to relocate this to a different part of the park, the area around the Funnel Web slides could use something like this, the plans do look really brilliant.
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