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Everything posted by Coasterlife

  1. Little Nipper was made by Preston & Barbieri and it is the same company that made Volaré if that was your question
  2. I just purchased mine and i think it's worth the price seeing i'll be there almost every weekend and on opening day
  3. Quick point out but luna park have given their website a fresh new look https://www.lunaparksydney.com/
  4. Here is another video i made from today’s visit
  5. I had a couple more pics of track pieces that were picked up by the crane, Also does anyone else think that they will eventually lay a new layer of concrete over this area?
  6. It seems that the coaster build commenced today, Full credit to Australiascoasterclub on instagram FullSizeRender.mov
  7. Damn just beat me to it haha, I was just about to share the video i made earlier but i may as well still share it
  8. i forgot to get a more up close photo of this but they have replaced those cheap Kmart storage bins with a more permanent solution
  9. So yeah kind of annoying I thought this might have been something new but it’s from the previous attraction creatures of the deep, I think this might mean they have plans to reuse it?
  10. It's back to the 9th again And Batwing has been pushed back to the 11th
  11. Sure does!!! Actually i think it's from creatures of the deep because it looks identical but i think its great they are reusing it if that's the case
  12. THIS MIGHT BE SOME BIG NEWS BUT THERE IS SOME SORT OF CREATURE POSSIBLY FOR THE PRECINCT YOU JUST NEED A GOOD EYE FOR THIS PHOTO (sorry I didn’t realise caps lock was on but I’m getting a pic in the morning)
  13. I thought I’d post these photos from today but Patrick’s jellyfish frenzy looks absolutely awful
  14. I was at movie world today and the rides seating has been installed also Superman escape's water rushing down the stairs was not on today
  15. I just have a quick question, did the leviathan sculpture for creatures of the deep have pink fur? also here’s some pics of the coaster
  16. Credit: coastersodaa on Instagram it’s not the best photo but it’s something but we can see BUG is being constructed
  17. Disneyland has unveiled plans for a theme park expansion, as well as new retail, hotel, and parking projects. I added a link for the full article here: https://wdwnt.com/2021/03/breaking-disneyland-resort-announces-plans-for-third-theme-park-and-more/
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