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  1. Cyclone as far as im aware was built over a road, not on the car park. The line markings you refer to are the old road line markings.
  2. A lot like Buzzsaw. I’d argue that Green Lantern was more of a Carpark Coaster than Cyclone. Cyclone has been well intergrated into the park and it’s surroundings. I agree 100% with what Joz said.
  3. Sadface. I’ve missed you Alexb. Back to discussion of Hot Wheels, is anyone actually going to miss the Hot Wheels Partnership?
  4. Rookie error, ofcourse you are right. Friends?
  5. Gazza is right, it was a good decision for them to get it, as Thunderbolt had such limited time left at that point, so they needed something, plus it was better that than it go to scrap. The mistake was that Dreamworld relied on it as its main, signature coaster for 20+ years. Yes they built Motocoaster, yes they built Buzzsaw, but I don’t know about you, I still see the Cyclone as the parks signature coaster, until ofcourse the new orange coaster is installed.
  6. So does that mean you think my points are wrong? I think I speak for the majority of the community and staff with these comments. You just have to do a search on here to see how often it is mentioned about the poor state of Sea World, or the incredibly poor stunt shows. Each to their own. Thank you for responding to my question, and thanks to the mods for not removing these Q&A posts. Hopefully I’ll get to see you in the parks on one of your many visits Bikash. Stay safe and stay classy.
  7. Hi @Bikash Randhawa. First time poster, long time viewer of the forum. Ive got a few questions regarding Sea Worlds rejuvenation if you don’t mind answering them for me. There is internal rumblings that the Trident ride, slated as part of the Atlantis area has been scrapped, and as such we will not be getting it. Can you confirm if that is the case? Can you also confirm what part of the New Atlantis precinct is actually “world class”? From what I’ve been exposed to, the Vortex looks like a poor mans version of the Wipeout, with many people in the public domain thinking it literally is just the Wipeout, so why bother. The theming being installed is very different from what was showcased at the launch and feels very shopping centre like. I’m keen to hear what it is exactly thar makes this ride and area world class. I am very passionate about Sea World and support the Sea World team 100%, you guys do a great job. The park has certainly seen better days, but with the right vision, it can bounce back. Back in the day, it was THE park to visit. Is the New Atlantis the start of continued investment and vision for the park, or is New Atlantis hoped for to be the one shot fixed all for the park? Lastly, if you have made it this far, thanks for reading. I think I speak for everyone when I say that the current entertainment offerings at your parks through the likes of the Showtime FMX team suck. Hollywood Stunt Driver at Movie World is literally a pile of steaming dog poo, the show at Sea World doesn’t rate much better. Are there any plans to fix these up, to bring the entertainment show offerings back to the gold standard they once were? The shows seem to lack any actual creative direction, and whilst the Showtime guys are good at what they do, they are the stunt men, their skills are being wasted. Police academy used to fill the theatre seating and people would sss the show multiple times a visit, now, you’d be lucky to find people who have seen Hollywood stunt driver in the last year. It what was a great park, it really is a weak link. I am interested to hear your thoughts on this.
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