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Everything posted by Yyosh

  1. Haha yeah I was writing down the first names I could think of. I don't think you should ever take advice from me as I'm not exactly a creative person, but I dislike 'bug' and 'boomerang' for being very unoriginal names.
  2. Sorry if I sound bitchy and pretentious, these names won't make me hate Luna Park, management would have to demolish Coney Island and Wild Mouse to do that, but that's pretty much what I thought. Some simple name changes would make the rides 'fit in' to the rest of the park. I feel Boomerang could be Geronimo, Bug could easily be renamed Tumblebug (they already have a lit-up sign with that name out the front of Dodgem City) and Cloud 9 or Loopy Lighthouse (if repainted) could be parachute jump, a reference to the ex-ride at Coney Island NY. Again, I'm not angry or disappointed, Luna Park is too close to my heart (which is honestly something I should be embarrassed by). I'm still fucking excited and can't wait for this, but I just feel the people who care for the park at management didn't pay enough attention to what they'd name the rides. This is a great time for Luna Park and this is the right direction for the place. oh crap I just rambled again.
  3. Oh hey that's me! All I did was upload a snippet of a TV show ahaha! Thanks... I have thought about this a lot too and there are really three possibilities I come down to. The first is that Luna Park still exists today, but it's very different to what we know it as. The pop-art aesthetic would still exist and the classic rides such as Big Dipper, River Caves and Coney Island may exist. Back in 1979, the owners could have demolished anything they wanted (of course, with public disapproval, but they would probably be allowed to get rid of Coney Island, for example). There were no heritage laws stopping them. Who knows what the owners could've added or removed! The second is the park had another bad accident that causes it to close for good. The owners didn't really give Luna Park the attention it deserved after Ted Hopkins left, and through what I've seen, the place looked run down in the late 70s, even with Martin Sharp's art team. In April of 1979 two trains on Big Dipper collided, and the park hadn't been following fire safety standards. A worse accident could've happened, closing the place for good. The third is just that the park loses attendance and withers away. It's a boring scenario but this shit happens. That was the fate of the original Luna Park in the 40s. In conclusion, Luna Park would be a different place and might not even exist, but there are too many possibilities and I won't be able to even think of them, and you just spend too long reading me rambling on about an amusement park ahaha.
  4. I'm most excited for Big Dipper, I've always wanted to see the day when LPS gets a new world-class coaster, and it'll be an hour away from where I live! I'm also very excited for Leviathan and Steel Taipan, but thanks to COVID and me being a paranoid bitch, I don't think I'll be leaving NSW anytime soon. Big Dipper is obviously going to be the tamest of the three. It'll be a 30 second ride which is quite slow, although it'll have some exciting elements and will look great from below. With Steel Taipan, I have to agree with @Slick. It looks great but the pacing looks meh. Leviathan is going to be the best ride IMO. It's going to be fast paced, it'll have a good layout and we've needed a modern woodie in Australia for years (though the two we currently have are still great rides and very unique).
  5. Something interesting I noticed about this sign is it uses the old logo from 1995-2001.
  6. I visited the park for the last time until closing this morning and took a few photos. They aren't great or very interesting but there already might be some progress happening. Maloney's corner is pretty much unrecognisable now with its two main rides gone. This excavator is digging a hole inside pink markings. Sorry about the photo quality, the best view of it was from on Round Up. This might be for a footer from Big Dipper as a support goes right to that spot on the concept art. Similar pink markings were around the area. These ones here might be for the Family Shuttle Coaster. Most of the red pool fences around the kids rides have been replaced with temporary fencing. I only just noticed that and I have no idea if it's always been like this as it's only around the ones owned by Joylands. Anyways, I can't wait for what 2021 will bring. This is definitely what Luna Park needed and I still can't believe we're getting this.
  7. Don't forget about bird flu, the 2003 bushfires, the collapse of HIH Insurance and the Iraq war!
  8. @AheadMatthewawsomeI'm guessing that's just an estimated date as June 23 is a school day. I'd imagine they want to make the reopening as grand as possible and doing it on a Wednesday when everyone's at school or work won't bring many people in.
  9. I love how they put quite a bit of effort into modelling some rides such as MDMC and Sidewinder/Gold Coaster and then they just gave up and made Buzzsaw a yellow rectangle.
  10. I don't think many other upgrades will occur, although some parts of the park really do need some touching up, such as the fireworks painted on the midway and the vinyl wrap on the back of Coney Island as they are faded. The face was recently repainted as it was punished by the bushfires and it looks better than ever.
  11. Luna Park will be hosting a carnivale event until January 27th as a 'last chance to experience the magic' before the park closes. https://justforfun.lunaparksydney.com/countdown-carnivale/
  12. I think that was already done in Halloscream 2019. I didn't actually attend the event but I have the park map.
  13. Damn, I was expecting spider to close at the end of January when the park starts renovating. Gutted I didn't ride it when I was there on Sunday.
  14. I agree with you partly, they should definitely refurbish it (the clown face on top of the rope maze is full of dust), but the interior layout's been mostly the same since 1938. IMO, changing it wouldn't be very smart.
  15. You're joking, right? I don't think they'd be able to do that, let alone want to. The only thing i feel they should do to Coney Island is paint the ugly silver part on the front when the park's closed.
  16. I'm excited, but I don't like the sound of "Luna Land". I'd rather they just keep it as Maloney's Corner.
  17. Spotted markings at the base of the Ex-Tumblebug/dodgem building today. (Sorry about the images, I'm not exactly a photographer)
  18. I went to Luna Park today and noticed Ranger's loading platform and the box around the motor are gone. It has also been removed from the map on the park's website while Tumble Bug remains.
  19. I'm pretty sure it was created for this tape. It has some great footage.
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