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  1. They are going to replace Sledgehammer's temporary fencing with the usual red one sometime soon. I visited last weekend for the 4th time this season and Sledgehammer was operating but only with the 240 degree cycle. I did get to ride the 360 cycle many times a couple of weeks ago and it's pretty awesome. The ride has had A LOT of teething issues but they are fixed for now and it should be running with both cycles this weekend. Little Nipper has also had a lot of issues. One time I visited we did once cycle before stopping in the station and we had to sit there for about 15 minutes with those bulky restraints digging into our sides lol. I am the biggest fan of Halloscream and while I still found some flaws with this years event it definitely felt the most complete of all the years so far. I don't know if I just got lucky or something but RainDead was actually my favourite maze with DecayMart close behind. House Of Hex I felt was cool and different but I did prefer last years Doll House experience as the sets for that were incredible. Boomerang is also a very fun little coaster with some of the best operations in the park. I don't mind the look of the new area and thought it was pretty cute. Overall, Luna had quite a weird re-opening but I still enjoyed myself and that's what counts. Wild Mouse will most likely not open till start of next year and Rotor maybe around the same time as Big Dipper.
  2. Looks like they'll also have an extra night session the day before as Halloscream starts on the 22nd. Wondering how long the queues for the mazes will get as they can only let a max of 6 people in at a time I believe. The mazes we're shortened in length last year to accommodate for this so it must be happening again this year.
  3. Pretty sure there;s 2 trains with the other one being identical but red
  4. To wash down a nice salty Big Dipper pretzel of course
  5. I'm down for a BD Pretzel and Sprite combo deal sounds like a good feed
  6. The ride features 2 launches (more like boosts actually) 2 inversions (sidewinder and corkscrew) couple airtime hills and over banked turns. I do think you're pretty spot on with the testing though. Might take around 14-16 weeks is my guess
  7. Not to defend covid breaching but in the story he was in a car and every other time he's been on the train so he was clearly there for other reasons than just updates. If not though this was really stupid and unsafe
  8. Luna Park has revealed Loopy Lighthouse on the website...
  9. So far I am loving this series. It's so intense and moving. The way the portray everything is so well done. Highly reccomend to anyone who's interested.
  10. Gotta say i'm a little disappointed its a 360. I'm not surprised one bit but I was hoping for a Discovery. But i'm not complaining, a rides a ride!
  11. Just tried power surge today. Hurt my thighs but was still fun. Moon Ranger will always be better in my opinion as it was so unique to see all those boats while literally stalling upside down. Another thing about Moon Ranger that I noticed was that the stall always varied. It sometimes didn't even stop and just started swinging the opposite direction with no stall. It was still probably my fave ride in the park tied with Hair Raiser. I am extremely sad to see it go. I'm going to Halloscream so it's a shame I won't get to see Moon Ranger at night. The trioka's days do seem numbered but on the website's map its listed as under maintenance and I know Moon Ranger said that but on the map it was just gone ever since it went SBNO so maybe Tumble Bug really is just down for maintenance? It is a pain to load tho and you'd usually be sitting there for like 10mins waiting for it to start. I think moving the kids rides where Tumble Bug is now if it gets removed is a good idea because that would free up a lot of space.
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