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Everything posted by ausnrl

  1. Dreamworld deservs to win. Its gettin a kinda intense new ride every year. Plus it opens the Big Brother House to attract guests
  2. I would put a roller coaster with 3 normal loops, 3 half loops and 3 quarter loops and call i the looper
  3. My Top 9 Rides at Wet N Wild 9. White Water Flumes 8. Speed Coaster 7. Twister 6. Double Screamer 5. Mammoth Plunge 4. Aqua Racers 3. Terror Canyon 1 2. Terror Canynyon 2 1. Mammoth River
  4. Im in but mate how r u gonna see the lateral gs and all that stuff.
  5. can u send the models of cyclone,thunderbolt and rockyhollow to me. i got rollercoaster tycoon 3
  6. People Have been sayin it round brisbane. It would be a gr8 idea cause the ride would be longer, people could ride the thunderbolt on a smooth track, thered be more loops n turns and i heard dreamworld would put in another train.
  7. I heard the following. Dreamworld are tearing down the thunderbolt and rebuilding it in the type of tracks the cyclone uses joining it together and calling it the hurricane.
  8. I heard that Dreamworld are demolishing the thunderbolt and rebuilding it with the same type of tracks as the cyclone so that they can join them together and call it the HURRICANE.
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