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Dean Barnett

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Dean Barnett last won the day on December 26 2023

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  1. It was to the post above it - how rivals opened early. The script could have been “we’re looking at opening rivals as soon as possible” - not “we’re going to announce when we think it will open”. They never the reopening - it just opened. Still surprised with the sudden closure of scooby - when their maintenance closures are so frequent.
  2. To me - this evidence strongly suggests that the bogies are causing the problem, leading to the train shaking and exceeding the LSM clearance tolerances. They tested this by taping some LSMs to check for contact with the train, which indeed occurred. This is why they were running the train without passengers a few days ago.
  3. Happy to be corrected - I haven't been there in ages - but only ever seen 2 trains in the first year (with one sitting on the holding brake for a few mins).. anyway Fabrication can happen with the ride still open
  4. I don't understand why they are teasing a date to announce when DCR will open early because of Superman's issues .. if they're just painting it why can't they open it tomorrow? If they're working on the trains.. why work on both at a time? They never run two. The fact that nothing has been done to scooby is super disappointing.
  5. First triple launch rollercoaster that surrounds a ride in the southern hemisphere!
  6. This video isn't working for me - i just get a random video off facebook.. my kfc box is empty.
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