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  1. The passenger carts only, idk what it will look like let’s hope that is open and spacious. That’s the magic of the train.
  2. I want to believe it’s an out-of-season April fools joke because this is so utterly ridiculous. I received this email aswell. also what expansions can they do there, they can’t add another flat ride there. i wouldn’t be surprised if it was to do with the safety of the ride. They did that with TOT2, in all over the last 3 years they have removed a total of 4 rides the last 3 where justified, operating for 20+ years for a ride is hard to do unless there is extended maintenance to a ride, especially in the Australian heat. Buzzsaw has been operating for 9 years, I can see that the support structure is close to the tail of taipan. But I’m just shocked, the downfall is here and it is taking its brutal path…
  3. hoping they might replace it with something that isnt a small, compact type coaster becuase think about it, have that much space as it is without cutting down a heap of trees. but if they did clear land they could fit a b&m invert in there, maybe a mini dive coaster. i dont think it will be for another few years they will announce anything letalone remove any track. we need to keep in mind that they are still building up some money after the new stuff at seaworld and wnw, an annoucment may come at the end of the year, aiming for a 2023 opening as they seem to add an attraction every couple of years but right now they are adding one every year, we just need to wait.
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