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biasesumo last won the day on May 13 2023

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About biasesumo

  • Birthday May 6

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    Iron Gwazi
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  1. Is there a reason why there’s no official/unofficial-but-still-approved POV? Does Dreamworld not allow filming on their coasters? I figured we’d have something up by now.
  2. It’s insane to me that Gerstlauer still offer their Euro-Fighter models with over-the-shoulder restraints.
  3. Bit of a late response but I got two rides in on its third last day of operations. They were firing trains out of the station and the ride ops were insisting we let them handle the seatbelt situation to speed up dispatch. Definitely felt quicker as we went from load to launch in what felt like no time at all. Super professional from the team there.
  4. Makes you wonder if the clone over in Madrid is suffering from a similar fate.
  5. I've been visiting Movieworld since 2008 and I had no idea that the crane and shovel were meant to move. Always thought they were static props...
  6. Wasn’t there a bloke here that said he was restoring old footage of this off old VHS tapes?
  7. When I was trying to find a job in Orlando in 2022, I applied and interviewed at the Orlando FunSpot location. Was warned off working there by many of the employees because they got paid $12.50 an hour and weren’t given any breaks. Also didn’t have a car at the time so I think I must’ve walked 10km across the highway from where I was living to the park. The only thing that really made it worth it was the interviewer giving me 3 consecutive free rides on Freedom Flyer as the park wasn’t open yet. Neat park for sure but it kind of pales in comparison to the surrounding theme parks.
  8. I think your brain is made of ground up Hypercoaster.
  9. For a ride called The Flash they sure are taking their time putting it all together.
  10. I’m excited to play DOOM in the Leviathan loading bay should there be extended downtime. …For an additional $25.
  11. “Lorem ipsum” is latin placeholder text used by publishing/graphic design companies. I was making a joke. And, yes, I made said joke aware of the translation before doing so.
  12. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, Giant Drop elit.
  13. Why does the Giant Drop lettering here look like placeholder text?
  14. The extra $24 a month is for the privilege of using the new Spinning Ticket Scanners™ they’re installing at the front gate.
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