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  1. Good afternoon. I was on Instagram a few minutes ago and saw this on the Steel Taipan Snake coaster
  2. Walked past the boardwalk earlier with the kids and i think they are or have put in that last part of track in where the loop and sidewinder element is? Sorry i'm not very fond of what elements are what. I couldn’t take a photo as my mobile died.
  3. I just heard news that lockdown is extended for another 4 weeks and construction work can continue after Sunday which means that work on Big Dipper 3 can resume once again. I also when should i expect to see testing of the ride start?
  4. My Pfizer vaccination was meant to be in august but now it's not till January so no i don't think the majority will be getting vaccinated for quite a long time.
  5. Ah ok yeah that makes a little more sense. I think we should try and bring the chat back to its roots since it has gotten too much Covid this Covid that and you will likely agree that we have had enough of covid by now 😂 So do we think that some of these new rides might bring in noise restrictions and will be required to close earlier in the afternoon?
  6. Sorry to be a little nit picky on the subject here but doesn’t the majority of everyone on exercise have their phones on them? Perhaps to listen to music and other stuff? Surely people don't go there with a massive camera to share these images. I sure do take photos on exercise even during this Lockdown. Whilst walking with the kids past luna park on Tuesday i saw multiple people taking photos of the place (couple 10-15 people) at least. If you’re worrying about this you really should be concerned about the protesters elsewhere around Sydney. It’s absolutely insane to me to think that taking photos whist on exercise is worse than not wearing masks or the multiple people that flock to woolies to pick up less than 3 items. the place is busier than it was pre lockdown. That's just how i feel you come across. There’s no hard feelings but i feel like few of you on here are being a little selfish on the whole thing. Again no hard feelings.
  7. I would really love dreamworld to replace Buzzsaw with one of these rides. I think they have the space?
  8. Construction on Big Dipper will be paused from Monday for the foreseeable future as construction is to be no longer essential. Honestly this lockdown is not strict enough at all and the way we are going makes any hope of us leaving this lockdown on the 30th extremely unlikely. I'm certain this won't end until late August early September
  9. wow! that looks really cool. Is this from today?
  10. 😂😂 That’s all good. Mistakes happen.
  11. Fairfield is every 3 days & Greater Sydney is every 7 days from what i heard the premier say yesterday.
  12. Hello there. I am very new to these forums & i'm still learning how to use this but i think that work will continue on big dipper as construction is considered and essential service from what my husband has told me. Im not super sure what exactly the ride elements are (one of you fellow members might be able to tell me) but i think that they will finish doing the big element stuff that is next to the apartments behind Coney island, And for your last question i think that it will open in time for the start of the summer school holidays but if it's a first in the world won't it take 2-4 months to do all the testing? Sincerely sorry if i'm confusing.
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