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MARK28 last won the day on June 12 2022

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  1. Yeah the $100m is a bit of a head scratcher... but maybe that's just because we're in Australia and things are more expensive? I dunno. I definitely think they need to stop pushing that because it's gonne get people's expectations up. I thought the tornado house theming was immersive too... with the swinging lights and blowing curtains. Thought that was cool. And yes... I definitely think they need to add shelter over all queues... how they decided against that as queenslanders is beyond me. Also, this and Rivertown have these garish black modern fences everywhere... I know they're obeying a code but couldn't they manufacture them to blend in a bit more?
  2. Overall, I think this area looks great. I’m never going to expect mind blowing stuff from an Australian park, but I think the theming in the indoor areas of the queues are immersive and get the spirit of the movies across. Yes hopefully they dress the inbetween areas up a bit, but considering all we had was an oversaturation of DC stuff, this with Scooby doo reopening is really going to expand the feeling of being in the movies at the park. I think what would REALLY round out the area is a small store, a gentle flat ride and a justice league-sized dark ride.
  3. I really wish they'd chosen a grey or rust colour for the safety fences... I just feel like it would have melded in with the scenery better. But everything is looking good still! Always great to have something new and well thought out at an Aussie park!
  4. Yeah Wicked is Universal, but Movie World is gonna be sailing on it's wake regardless and that's awesome! I imagine it was probably a conscious thing on their part.
  5. I've gotta say they've struck gold opening this at the same time as Wicked, and that Wicked looks like it's going to be a massive commercial success... it's a different story of course but Wicked realised Oz so well that I think people are really going to be drawn to this.
  6. Would be good to see some taller palm trees put in in around the rides and paths... add to the vertical depth in the area. It's looking great but a tad unnatural/bare at the moment.
  7. I have long thought that Movie World need another decent family thrill, something in an IP away from Superheroes and which reflects the idea that Movie World is about the classics too... this is perfect... and if rumours are true we're essentially getting 3 coasters... I don't get why people are complaining. They literally have a hyper coaster, an el loco and an intamin accelerator... why would they need to add another thrill at this point in time?
  8. Love every part of this but I really like the skull reflection in the oil droplet on the original logo compared to this pretty basic image. I thought they could just modernise it and it would still be consistent with the new look.
  9. Not sure why this coaster is being compared to DC Rivals 🤔. It was always going to be a smaller profile coaster.
  10. I'm glad he commented... sure it'd be nice if everything worked completely together and to our taste, but the reality is for the first time in a long time, Luna Park is getting a larger scale rollercoaster. I'm sure there have been years and years of background work to get to this point and I imagine seeing people complain about a detail like the cars would be discouraging. Especially in a uncertain time like covid. Luna Park has a fairground atmostphere... a fairground is completely eclectic in it's themes and I don't think a race car is completely out of place.
  11. I'm pretty sure the residents don't have much to stand on now in terms of complaining about Luna Park... I don't think Luna Park would have risked the investment if there was big possibility of it going the way of Big Dipper. Pretty sure they have the government on their side.
  12. I’m obviously no expert but the reason I shared it is because I think it would be feasible for MW. Movie Park is also a small movie themed park, and you can tell it doesn’t have the budget for massive projects. This looks like it has taken out the cost of a big coaster and then funnelled that into theming. The theming also isn’t mind blowing in terms of effects, but they’ve done it cleverly so that the effects they do have makes the static scenes come to life.
  13. Something like this would be the PERFECT replacement for Arkham Asylum. It's well themed, and it's actually about movies in general rather than just being Superhero themed, something Movieworld needs desperately. It also looks like something the whole family can enjoy.
  14. I wasn't sure it would, but the wood is REALLY blending in well with the park. It's a nice colour.
  15. I have to say I would love to see the Viking’s Revenge flume ride restored/replaced with something similar after this... the park would be well on it’s way to feeling complete if that happened.
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