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  1. On WWF I usually fold my arms over the top of my bag - that keeps the majority of the water off. You do have to take it with you (or get one of the lockers by Green Lantern which can be rented, and leave it there for the day)
  2. DC Rivals - everything must be placed in the storage boxes on the other side of the ride vehicle in the station Justice League - can take bags on with you (between knees) Superman - everything must be placed in the locker before queuing, lockers are free Scooby Doo - can take bags on with you (between knees) Wild West Falls - can take bags on with you (usually held up & put on top of the restraint) Green Lantern is not my favourite, so hopefully someone else can chime in there. I'm sure it's the same as DC Rivals though.
  3. Scooby is pretty poor for just having come out of maintenance, the first set of projectors were down today, no monitors/screens or audio in the lift section at all and the last set of projectors were in focus, but out of sync with the ride vehicle. WWF has a few issues at the moment - the sign that drops down when the tombstone pops up in the shootout scene is stuck down, and still no lights in the upper half of the main lift hill.
  4. Same situation today, very rough through the geyser and teepee section and still no lights through the main lift hill. JL was far better than the last time I rode it, with many more effects working, however the ride 'reset' during the GL/Superman section, screens all went black and stayed black and all the guns switched off. Most of the 'blast' doors were just stuck open as well, otherwise it's far improved compared to where it was
  5. Definitely Scooby Leviathan is the only GC ride I've almost not fit. Scooby only gets me when wearing a big puffy jacket
  6. I'm fairly big (118kg) and only just fit today. There is a test seat that the entrance staff will let you use even while the queue is outside, just ask, I could get a green light but only with some pressure on the bar. On the actual ride, initally I had my restraint unlocked and had to reposition slightly sideways to allow more room, then it was fine. You can feel the pressure on your thighs though. The only other ride that feels tight for me is Scooby, so I'd say Leviathan is not very forgiving compared to ST/rivals/superman etc., at least for me.
  7. I was at Fright Nights on Friday, and Doomsday was on the 'Closed Rides' board for the day but operating for Fright Nights. Weird?
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