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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. I doubt you've operated Hussy due the simple fact you're still at school and not legally allowed to do so being under 18. I'd love to have seen what the insurance company said when someone made a claim after an accident with you operating.
  2. Wonderbus is right. There is no way it would come to a screaming stop. That just makes it more dangerous than the situation may already be and people may suffer injuries such as whiplash and/or get THROWN OUT of the ride if not secured. The idea of an e-stop is to prevent further injury or prevent any at all if the situation arose. Look at the now defunct Tasmanian Devil. When e-stopped, the ride would not come down to the ground, it will just in fact spin until it runs out of momentum. Then it would have to be restarted and lowered manually. I'm sure it would be a slow finish after the e-stop is depressed, not at a speed that's going to give someone whiplash or throw them out anyway. I know the Sizzler (if that's what the ride was) doesn't lift up, but it certainly won't throw the anchors out that's for sure. No doubt it'll be a quicker stop than normal, just nothing that's going to hurt someone.
  3. Come on mate, this is a family show. We don't need to know about that. How about to Jamberoo?
  4. That's what the work experience students were doing just before the holidays weren't they? I haven't seen any of them, but no doubt they've used really old footage in it in places, as was the case with the Getaway special. This was proven because when they filmed it, Space Probe was running 2 cabins only, the third sitting up on the hill. Yet 3 cabins were in the distance shots of the ride. From memory, the Demon was also showing an older logo in one of the shots that was used.
  5. Bungaribee House is the place old son. Don't worry about gaol. It's time you were scheduled. Where's the mental health team?
  6. Leave poor old Vekoma alone. Wonderland are proud of theirs :twisted:
  7. Exactly what I told him Rap Rap. By the way Chippy, who the Magistrate in your upcoming 'court' case?
  8. THEIR Chippy. I'm trying to imagine you with a personality. I'm already visualising the duct tape over your mouth.
  9. Well there's certainly no head on them with a brain in it.
  10. You'll find Joz's comment wasn't directed at you Chippy. Get the weight of the world off your shoulders.
  11. It's the theming of the ride you boofhead. What does a battering ram normally do? Knocks sh*t over, hence the wall.
  12. My first thought was Wally World for some reason. Probably because it really wouldn't surprise me and a serious ride incident there is just around the corner.
  13. Taken from www.news.com.au Girl hurt at amusement park January 11, 2004 A SIX-year-old girl was today in a stable condition after being seriously injured in an amusement park accident on the Gold Coast overnight. She suffered head injuries when she fell from a ride at a Broadbeach amusement park. She was airlifted by the Careflight Helicopter from the Gold Coast Hospital to the intensive care unit at Brisbane's Mater Children's Hospital at 3am today. AP Does anybody know the story? What happened? What kind of ride did she fall from? Maybe our northern brothers can help out with this one?
  14. It's actually Hakuna Matata you dolt. I've got nothing to truce about mate. Just stop being an idiot and we'll all be fine. You just get up everyone's nose with your crap. Please, from now on just promise me you'll take the time to read your post before you submit it to make sure it makes sense. I'm honest when I say that three quarters of your posts don't. A Funk and Wagnalls on the old desk would go down a treat. No need to leave me alone, you won't get to me with whatever you say. I've got thicker skin that you old son.
  15. Let me guess... does it start with 'C'? Well it made no sense you drip. By the way it's HEY. I correct you and you still don't learn. Maybe your teachers weren't to blame after all. I've had enough of your crap, I've been on the sauce, tired and going to bed. I killed about 180 million brain cells before I got home and jumped on to check your crap and I still blew you out of the water old son. You've got nothing. You couldn't even give it a shake against me tonight and I've got 20 schooners under my belt. Poor effort my good man. Dopey is such a harsh word too... By the way, what was this topic about because I've forgotten?
  16. 16 and you have the spelling, punctuation, grammar and diction of a 7 year old... You'd be flat out counting past 10. I pray that you're not going to torture yourself by doing the HSC. Please tell me you're not. Next time you have something to say, shutup. You're fighting a losing battle old son. Give up with whatever dignity you have left.
  17. Thinking of think? That's a goody Chip. Mind if I borrow that? I really don't know how you come up with some of your stuff.
  18. I'm convinced d*ckhead is the only thing you can spell at the moment. Find some new material will you? It's passed its used by date old son. When does school go back? What primary school did you go to? Your teachers should be shot. Or are you still there? That might explain some of it. Too many freaks, not enough circuses.
  19. GOSE is not simple English you GOOSE. See the extra 'o'? :twisted: It's also RIGHT. As for the use of profanities mate, they've become a little more frequent of late. If you feel you must call me a Richard Cranium, use the stars. I'm just getting in before Rich does... It doesn't bother me in the slightest but you'll be warned soon enough. Call me whatever you want, but if you're going to swear, use a few stars.
  20. Holy crap Chip, you did get the dictionary out for that one didn't you? See how easy it is old son? I'm proud. You even got the right 'you're'. That's one for the books. There's a first for everything. Better than that 'malfunshining' word you came up with the post before. That's a ripper. The word would be MALFUNCTIONING. That's what you were after. I think.... I'd like to hear how you pronounce that word 'malfunshining'. Just like it sounds? We'll check out the Looney Park forums when you prove you've taken the step up. Demonstrate you're trying and we'll be there old son. Boy, I can't wait!! It's going to be a great day.
  21. The word would be GOES. Gose isn't a word. It is one 'o' away from telling us what you are however Go to the Luna Park forum would be much more correct also. You're English teacher must hate marking your essays. Poor bugger would go through 8 red pens on your paper alone one thinks.
  22. How many yellow trains do you suggest they have Rip Rip? :twisted:
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