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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Don't tell them that, let them speculate forever. This will be fun But ok, it's not that. Keep trying. It's rather funny. Typical Wally World. You seem to know everything else about the place Flea, that's what Scared of Jack is saying.
  2. Taronga Zoo's cubs were born at Taronga Zoo so chuck that theory out the window.
  3. I will presume you spelt ILLITERATE wrong on purpose Huss otherwise you answered your own question.... :twisted:
  4. Yeah good you Huss, the second most illiterate person on the forum slagging off someone for what he's best at haha. Good on you mate! Keep it up. But unfortunately it's, IT'S and YOU'RE.
  5. Not that I know of Joz but I'm not going to say because it is much more fun this way and you'll probably find out in due course through one way or another. Staff can't help themselves if they know. Someone will spill their guts soon enough. Don't worry Wally World, I won't, as much as I should. Like I said, it's not as obvious as many seem to think, but typical Wonderland. :twisted:
  6. Holy bloody crap Huss, did you run your post through a spell checker? You've got to be kidding me! That post from you was unheard of old son! Great work.
  7. I now know the reason the cubs have gone. haha!! It's not as obvious as it may seem. Typical Wonderland is all I'm saying. Think outside the square. I wonder if you guys will ever find out.... MUHAHAHAHAHAHA :twisted:
  8. At least there's something you know about Huss hehe.
  9. I'm not a horse so WTF is hay you jibra? I wasn't having a go at you. How thin skinned are you? Grow up and get a sense of humour you pineapple. I was asking seriously. I bet there's not that many of us that have been to both parks. That's all I was saying. You and rewindniwer make a nice bloody pair. You both think the whole world is against you! Be careful or you'll get a complex. I study your kind and the technical name for you is 'brain dead'.
  10. Chippy, how many of us do you think have actually been to both parks? Who'd want to go to Mexico anyway?
  11. We know Chippy :twisted: For future reference: THAT'S, WE'VE, PREVIOUS, ANOTHER, THING, REALLY
  12. I like the thinking Rappa you evil bastard... I love it :twisted: Apparently, operators were given a memo on Tuesday indicating that due to circumstances out of their control the cubs would not be appearing. That's all staff know about it.
  13. muhahahaha I didn't start it don't forget. The drop kick asked for it. :twisted: I was still very restrained.
  14. They weren't there today, I can tell you that much. Maybe they're sick... I'll keep my feelers out.
  15. Huss, what is OMGGGGG? That's 5 times as blasphemous isn't it? Re: the wind thing on Bush Beast, it doesn't have to be that quick, just blowing the wrong way. 25 km/h+ North-West direction. Bush Beast is a lot more rough than when you would have been on it. Still rough mate. I wouldn't sit at the back ever! She's a bitch nowadays.
  16. That should be right for him. If you put his brain in a bird, it would fly backwards.
  17. Looks great Huss. What do you do with it now though?
  18. Nobody has suggested otherwise... It's common knowledge.
  19. The operator won't ever slip. They've done it so many times, they're used to it. They'd all be very confident in their ability to be able to stay on their feet. :twisted: No chance of them ever slipping hey Rich? It's impossible. Just because we've done it so many times before means we won't fall over. :twisted: (Sorry couldn't help myself) You put your camera there knowing fully that's where the operator walks. You've done it enough by now Flea to know to put it up against a wall. It's not rocket science. It's wider than 30 cm if we can walk along it front on. Anyway, take a bag and put all your crap in it like everybody else seems to do.
  20. It's a joke you idiot, lighten up. I'd just move my foot up a little bit to hit the e-stop, just as quick as my hand :twisted: How long do you think it would take to reach up and smack it? Why would I need to e-stop it while it's in the station? Wouldn't I just release the dispatch button? Or is that too easy for you? Do you think I'm stupid and would jeopardise the safety of anyone except you? The dispatch button is virtually a dead man button you boofhead. I thought you may have known that. Of course you need a foot to operate rides. You'd be at Dragons all day without one wouldn't you? You seem to think it was done every time. It happened once in a blue moon. Take some chill pills old son.
  21. No they don't. I have never said they have and have always encouraged opinion unless you're going off your rocker like you did. You're patronising again. That's a bad habit of yours old son, it will get you into trouble one day. We all know about the change of name. I never said you said any different. I was using it an an example of saving money. Close off the whole area, close a few rides and save money. How about you read more carefully before you post?
  22. Little bit too intelligent for you was it mate? I don't mind you arguing the fact about anything, go ahead. You'll get blown down though so be careful if we don't agree with you when you shoot your mouth off. What the hell does your post mean? Try again in English. Don't patronise any of us. I won't tell you again. Other than being a guest, what other knowledge do you have of rides? I'm not saying you don't have an interest, I said you more than likely have no idea what you're talking about. A lot of us have operated these rides for years mate and know them better than you know yourself. By closing HB, they closed off a whole area you crazy man. A whole area that doesn't need maintenance of any type. Upto 60 odd staff that don't need to be paid. The less rides in the park the more you don't have to pay out for maintenance etc. That's common sense. By removing rides they're saving by the truck load. Less staff they have to pay. I'm convinced it's the reason HB closed. That's probably saving them $10,000 a day.
  23. Rewind, Did you mean INTERPRETED? It's not just the shorthand that does it, it's putting two words together that just don't go, or leaving 4 out in between. Your diction is terrible. Please read through your posts before you post. I'm not talking about Wonderland's customers mate. We're talking about who the target of this forum is. It's not teenagers, obviously like yourself, and not adults either. It's just people who are interested in or know a little bit about theme parks. Look at when I joined, October! How can I have 'dribbled out' rumours back that far? I haven't dribbled off any rumours if my recollection serves me correctly. Usually always fact, if not opinion. Get your own material by the way. If getting rid of rides doesn't mean profit, what does it mean? Come on mate... Read It's Time To Go... and you'll see the rides that have gone over the years and not been replaced. It's all part of the grand scheme, I get it.... I'm with you now... Wonderland's going to become Australia's Disneyland with record breaking rides. Riiiiightttt.... Why are they in business then? What sort of a stupid statement is that? Are they a non-profit organisation now are they? That could quite easily be the most stupid thing anyone has ever posted on this forum mate. I'm sorry. Of course they're there to make money, like any business. Silly remark mate, silly remark. They would have been willing to be more receptive of you mate until you shot your mouth off. What did you expect? Surely nothing different after being here 5 mins. Sure if you're going to slag someone off, go ahead, it's great fun and we love it on this forum but at least have a reason to do it and be able to back up your accusations. Don't just fly of the bloody handle. Sorry I couldn't work out your name, my mind doesn't work backwards unlike some. I hope you had a good Christmas and it's good to have you on board. Hopefully you'll get a little bit of maturity to your posts soon and we'll have a great time. Welcome, OLD SON!
  24. Hey mate. Welcome. Hopefully you take this post a little better than our boofhead mate Rewindniwer.
  25. Poor old Rewindniwer.... what sort of a name is that? We can't even make sense out of your name! We don't give new users a bad impression because they give us no reason to, unlike you. You've come out with all guns blazing. New Years in tomorrow night you fire cracker! Richard, would you say your site is directed at teenagers? I think more than likely not. I wouldn't call this a teenage site. Richard will probably be offended at that statement of yours. It's for those who are coaster enthusiasts, those that know what they're talking about and for those with first hand experience in a theme park who enjoy the banter that goes on in here and come on for no more than a laugh. You sound as though you don't fit into any of those categories. How can you call this a teenage site you dolt. Way to make an impression hey? You really know how to make yourself fit in within a community don't you? Your personal and communication skills sound like absolute rubbish, hence us not being able to decipher exactly what you're trying to dribble out. Are you always this stupid or are you making a special effort today? I'll call you whatever the hell I want when you type like that, old son. How can you take offence to that? I gave you nothing more than a warm welcome and agreed with you 100% on certain aspects. What makes you think I'm older than you just because I can actually structure a sentence and I actually have a little diction in my posts, unlike you? I've been around on the net before, obviously not to the extent you have with your unbelievable keyboard skills and diction clarity. It's common courtesy to write in a legible manner for all to be able to read and reply to. I didn't have a go at you. You've got the fuse of a bee's d*ck you knucklehead. Not only are you using short hand, but the words you do actually spell are abysmal. You've got a lot to learn in this life. I can tell you, without even meeting you your attitude stinks and you're not going anywhere ever when you carry on like that and make unsubstantiated allegations that you can't back up. You've been here 5 mins and pis*ed at least 3 of us off already. If you want to carry on like that, we don't want you here you clown. We don't have time for your childish, immature rubbish. That's all that last post of yours was. No one has even started on you yet. You want to see how nasty some of us can get? You've got more hide than a team of elephants you drop kick. Go ahead, tell us all everything you know. It'll only take 10 seconds. Don't patronise any of us. You have no idea about any of our backgrounds, so go and get stuffed. No it doesn't seem strange they're removing and not replacing rides. It simply means they've got no money to do so. Wonderland doesn't own a theme park in Malaysia you idiot. Try the other way around, and Sunway has plenty of money. Go check it out for yourself and get back to us. Who do you think are the Wildlife Park? Is Wonderland leasing land to themselves these days? You're making a lot (notice how I spelled a lot!), of uninformed statements that are nothing more than dribble. I think they've got a great location! It's central to the working class of the west, without being too far from the rest of Sydney. Easily accessible by car, bus and train. You say you've grown up with Wonderland... haha... it's left you behind young man. You haven't grown up at all. Where do I begin you illiterate person you? Firstly, I is always a capital when it is used on its own. I, OLDER, YOU, NEVER, BEFORE, EVER, BECAUSE, BETTER, STACKS, YOU, NOWHERE, I, I, MEANT, SOMETHING, DOESN’T, I, I, I, RUN, ARE, DON’T, WALLGROVE, AM NOT, I’VE, A LOT, A LOT, I, DON’T. I hope you can start again. Go to the Introduce Yourself section in Chit-Chat and go from there. An apology to all concerned will be a good start.
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