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Everything posted by REGIE

  1. Do you guys reckon thereโ€™s any chance of another park buying the ride and seeing if they can fix it?
  2. Oh wow that's surprising. I thought a lot of it was destroyed for some reason. It's very intriguing to me for no reason. I wonder why they left it
  3. Very good to see! Now we just need to be able to purchase the village ones in park instead of using the app ๐Ÿ‘€
  4. Was there supposed to be photos attached?
  5. But didn't @New display namesay that he got "Night" ride express with the ticket? And then the website recommended express passes again but these were ones you could use anytime. Not just night. So there would still be a use. That was my understanding at least
  6. Great for lovers of flash himself. Nothing of the physical ride. A halfpipe design of sorts would be cool on a shirt
  7. Sorry but what is the problem with that?
  8. "Experience a different rollercoaster ride each day". Does this mean it's changed day to day and not just a random cycle each time you ride. or do they expect you to only ride once a day?
  9. Sweet! Mine runs out in June! Wasn't gonna renew it but I actually will now. Shows these things work
  10. Sorry I am just confused in what you mean? By 12M? So you get an unlimited photo pass with the locals pass? Or you get a couple photos? Or is it like a random draw thing
  11. Nice photography. Not just a couple random pictures. MW's Instagram is doing a great job at the moment.
  12. I feel like a themed shopping experience with a couple rides could happen maybe as a new park. Have like a Venice area and a few other areas. All open (very popular in malls atm) and a small vekoma thrill coaster and a small family coaster. A flat or two. as it's mostly a shopping venue with a few rides too. Could also host shows and have room to expand the rides in the future. Not sure where it could go. Sydney's land is probably too expensive now. Maybe Brisbane could pull it off.
  13. Agree. Would love some display pieces. You know those led lamps with the plastic cut out that lights up? I know they are cheesy and kinda ugly but they could do some cool stuff with them. Joker face for example And stickers! We need some stickers. They have come back in trend lately with teenagers . Especially the 90s skater style stickers.
  14. That is true. Often times the drive tires are taken off and the rubber is replaced
  15. I feel we're hanging on to this statement a bit much. Last 9-10 times I have been there's been 2 trains operating. I think it was over a year ago since I only saw 1 train operate. I don't go heaps so I am sure they have run it with one train since then. But it's not like they never run 2 Nothing on site. Doesn't mean fabrication on bits of new track haven't begun
  16. I feel like Disney will never happen here in Australia. But what do we think about universal ?
  17. Which show had the cop car and a random car got cut in half?
  18. Yeah my bad I was just showing some prints I'd like in general. Not necessarily for polos. I agree polo's need collars. Something like this would be nice for a dyed polo . After some more research regular tshirt prints don't really work on polos. I think these designs work with the style of a collared shirt well
  19. It's hard to tell where the photos are gonna be now but from looking over the video I think this is the layout? The first image being the current layout (yellow for queue, blue for lockers and red for exit) and the second image is the new layout (not sure about the exit and where the photo area is) Pretend the red line is the second photo exits onto the top path like the first image not the bottom pathway. That was an accident After more analysis I have found out where the photo check station is. (Orange) and made this updated version of the layout. This is the exact layout in the photos but I don't know what it means. (Blue for lockers, orange for photos and yellow for existing path that's still gonna be used) I am not sure how you will exit the load platform. Probably actually where you exit it now . So ignore where I have it located
  20. Yeah based on google search. "Messy" and "Ugly" are probably not the words I mean. I just personally find that most of those style shirts go pretty overboard in detail with massive artworks and heaps of colours and gradients and just a lot going on. I understand that they must be nice in the heat but I just prefer simpler designs. And when I searched die sub polos everything that comes up is pretty wild. Again I see many people wearing them so I understand the need to have them. heres Some of my favourite theme park shirts. (Really wish the one shirt was printed on a colour other than red) the bottom one with the picture of the corkscrew train on the green shirt is borderline for me but it's almost there.
  21. Would be sick if kingda ka got lap bars. That seems to b the biggest criticism for it. Then you'd have 2 strata's with completely different experiences (kingda ka already has that but if it had lapbars it would get the credit)
  22. Thank you. just personal taste, I am not a fan of the first style. Again seems messy and ugly to me but I see heaps of people wearing similar so they definitely sell. I think they could do something very cool with the second style though. I would like a few simple polos with just a simple logo in the top corner like where the Nike logo is. I think some shirts like that would be very cool! Thanks @DaptoFunlandGuyfor the detailed overview! saw this in my google searches. I think this would be sick with a dreamworld or seaworld logo in the top corner (not sure the photo loaded or not) 799C369E-4A67-4A4B-91FC-637775B424DE.webp
  23. @DaptoFunlandGuycould you show me a few examples of a "good" polo? I am unfamiliar with polo's but I agree they should get some
  24. Yeah the ones I got here aren't the best examples but imo the best shirts and designs in general should be nice and simple. Consist of 1-5 Color's And be a timeless design. The first design example you have here isn't bad but it's not an original logo. It's a generic template Taronga Zoo and many other places use the same one. And the leviathan shirt is just plain ugly. Way to much going on. I don't think many people would wear that. It's just not cool. we also need more ringer shirts. The 50th Anniversary dreamworld logo (though simplified to just white, black, blue and red ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป) on the white ringer with red rings is my favourite shirt in our parks atm. Simple timeless design on a ringer. I couldn't find a photo and it's not on the DW merch website but it's still in park.
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